
Writing Photography Rambling

October 08, 2005 12:00AM

What the fuck?

What exactly would you say is an online blog/journal for anyway? I guess I've always looked at it as a means to recap current events and more specificly your daily events, such as what you did, what you wore, who you hung out with. It would make sense then, if I were to have hung out with say... Bob for example, it would make total sense for me to perhaps include a paragraph about my time with Bob, since it takes place in recent history, and the purpose of a blog or journal is to recap recent history. So.. uhh... yeah, pretty simple concept.. thank you.

Work has been slow going but tolerable I suppose, if only for the events prior to work and after work, and the thought of events between work (which have yet to have occured). During work I've made two pretty good friends with the lads that sit beside me, Raph and Chris. We joke around and make fun of how retarded the class is. Raph is cool cause we've worked together before, and we can talk about games a lot, usually from an unbiased standpoint (or at least I'm turning him into an unbiased gamer hehe) and so that is always interesting... it's fun talking with people about games because I know so much, since all I ever do is either play them, or go on the PA boards and read about them.. For instance I don't even own a PSP and Raph does, and I knew there was a new firmware u update available and he didn't. 2.0.1. Chris is cool because he's into indie and film and.. well, art. So we talk about a lot of things, and we joke around a lot, so I feel real comfortable sitting by these guys... makes work a lot more tolerable than if I were to sit beside say... an overweight, slightly unintelligant women.

Vanessa had a doctors appointment early in the morning (well early for me) at around 11am I suppose, so after she was through with that, she made her way over here and woke me up hehe. We laid around for a bit, just talking and stuff; we were waiting for a phone call from Nick because he had a job interview at Stream at 12pm and so we wanted to know how it went. He didn't call until around 1:45pm or so, and he said that he got into pre-training, so wooo, sounds like he may be getting a job! So he made his way over and we all hung out, giggled, admired my broad shoulders and Nick's new haircut... it was much fun. I eventually got ready for work through the chaos and we all walked to my work together.

Work was basically review; we had a test so we were going through the questions and answering them as a class and then we played a lame game of Jeopardy... I tried really hard not to be noticed and not go up to play, but stupid bitch Pam made me go up... I just wanted to watch, why the fuck do I have to ring a bell and look retarded in front of everyone... but regardless, everyone was yelling and doing things so fast it wasn't really a review, just a ... I dunno, something stupid for lack of a better word.

I was supposed to meet Vanessa and Nick for lunch (because they love me) but they moved my lunch to 7 instead of 8 because of double jacking and they didn't tell me in advance, so at 7, I went out and walked down dundas and to mcdonalds to get supper and looked around everywhere to see if I could spot them but no such luck, and I went back and that was that. I was really pissed off that they changed it when I had already made plans, as this would've been the second time that meeting for lunch didn't happen. So doublejacking started at 8, and they still weren't out there, and so I went in, doublejacked (mmm, sexy) and was done at 9:30... when I came back there was a coffee in the middle of the lobby and a note, which wrote: Jordan you are an ASS! haha thanks Nick but the coffee was cold :(

The rest of work went pretty fast... we just sat around basically... our last break Raph and I ran to dissent to say hi to Steve and to see if Mark was there, but he wasn't. So I said hey to Steve and talked for about thirty seconds, then ran out of there and back to work. After work at 12:30 I walked out the doors and Vanessa, Nick and Brit weren't there waiting for me, so I paced around a bit, looked down some streets and they still werent' there.... so I figured plans had changed or something, since on the note Nick left me it said to call, and I didn't have the number so I couldn't... so I figured they weren't gonna meet me. I walked down to dissent to see if Mark was there yet or not, but alas he wasn't, and so I just hung out in the DJ booth for a song with Steve and then since Steve was the only one I would have wanted to hang out with there, and he was busy working his set, I decided to take off, and maybe run into Mark on his way here. So I made my way home, and when I got back to Galleria, there was the gang walking away from the doors, so I ran like a little girl to catch up and they noticed and Brit yelled at me a bunch and said something about my nuts... annnyway, we all walked back to my stinky house, sat around and had great fun, drinking tea and breaking things.

Around 2:30am or so, Brit and Nick left, and Vanessa and I went to bed... and that's my day. Now Vanessa is being all cute and lazy and hasn't got out of bed yet, and Nick and Brit haven't called yet, which they should've! We're going out for tattoo, shopping, walking... probably giggling... and stuff. So... perhaps I'll talk about it later.. ya know.. cause thats what THIS FUCKING THING IS FOR!

i'm pretty fucking manic right now... it makes me pretty fucking emotional... .. this is not good.

1066 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I dated Vanessa
  • I worked at Teletech


January 01, 2000
ya my nighttime adventures get cut early cuz ten hour days actually make me tired so im in bed by like 1am now. freakin hell! it sucks.

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