
Writing Photography Rambling

October 02, 2011 12:14AM

A Smile: A Powerful Thing

What a long day... but it didn't feel that long I guess (no, that's not what she said, shut up). Should I start from the beginning? I guess so...

I woke up at 9:15 or so, to a text from Jon telling me that he had the car and would be coming to pick me up around 10:30am, which was a nice surprise. I didn't have any bread, as it had gone moldy, and I ate my last bagel, so I just made a microwavable pizza, which... uhh... wasn't exactly what I had wanted, it actually kind of made me feel sick, but... what are you gonna do. I got ready and eventually Jon showed up, and off we went.

We had to stop by Jon's wife's work before we went because she had forgotten her badge (she works at the police station), so we met her first, and then raced along to work, but Julie called me and asked if we would go to the grocery store to pick up some cheese that we needed for the chickens and a platter for the day, so we stopped at metro, I listened to Thrice on my phone as Jon ran in and grabbed the crap.

We got to work around 10:15am or so, and got to work right away. I won't go into too much detail, as there was so much shit going on that trying to write it all out would just be pointless, tedious and boring for everyone, so I will just say, we had four plated dinners, two of which had reception fare, and one had hor's, and we actually got ahead at one point and I started working on Brunch stuff for tomorrow. Everything went well, there were no problems, the dinners went perfectly, and it felt great. Jon and I did the three dinners from the kitchen, and Julie and Tom did the dinner for 50 down at the CVG. I worked for twelve hours, from 10am to 10pm, and Julie drove me home.

Now here I am at home, after having a bath, I turned on SNL and took a sleeping pill... feeling as though I could think of a few ways I would rather be spending these couple waking hours before having to go to sleep, but I suppose it could be worse too... so I'll try to stay positive. I work at 7am tomorrow, so I should've been asleep about two hours ago, but... what are you gonna do... I'm not even ready to sleep at this point but I know I should be. I work for ten hours tomorrow, and I have a feeling it's going to be a long, not fun day... ah well. I'm sure it'll be okay... right?

Breaking News

I forgot to mention a couple things, one, one of the shelves in the mudroom/laundry room just fell out of the wall, but not all the way out, no, that would be too easy, it instead just had the top screws fall out of the wall.. ugh.

Secondly, I picked up my cat Kairi, cause... that's what you do to cute cats obviously, and I just went and sat down, I was just saying hi basically, and she jumped out of my arms and used my neck as a springboard and cut the shit out of my neck, so now it looks like I tried to slit my throat or something. It stings like a bitch and hurts like a mother fucker.

583 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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