I Slept Late
- I lived on Grey St.
- Michelle was my Roommate
- I lived on Grey St.
- Michelle was my Roommate
I didn't get to bed until late last night for a few reasons... one of the reasons being I had to help Michelle get Diablo 2 working correctly, and that took until around 1:30am, which wasn't really in the plan. Initially, the problem was that when she went into multiplayer, and click on TCP/IP, the host and join game buttons were greyed out, and it displayed 'Diablo 2 could not determine a valid ip address'. Obviously she has a valid ip, since she's online, can play other tcp/ip based games (StarCraft for instance), and I personally just recently set up her router, so I knew she had a specific ip address. Regardless of how stupid it was, I decided to reinstall Dablo 2, fresh from real cds (I lent her mine) and that's what we did. Once it was reinstalled, we discovered it was still fucked up just as before, so I did more google searching, and found this random, unrelated article that had something to do with Wine (not the drink) and it mentioned that having your hostname as localhost can screw up some, if not all, tcp/ip based applications. I knew it was a long shot, but I decided to just see, because there was nothing else left I could really think of. I had her open her system properties, go to computer name, and there it was, Computer Name: localhost. I had her change it to muchelle, restart the computer, and test Diablo 2. Ta da... fixed. Here is a google friendly tip: