
Writing Photography Rambling

August 25, 2005 12:00AM

all dressed with a coke

I woke up all nervous today. I hadn't in a while really, and god damn that feeling is so.. unique and powerful.. it really hurts. I wake up and look at the clock and it hits me, and I stay in bed as long as possible because I feel safe; I won't even get up to have breakfast or a drink or anything. I leave the house at 11:20 or so, and I get out of bed at 11:17. Make sense? Nah. I dunno what's wrong with me... but I know I have meds for it and I should really be taking them... I really need to think about my life and what the hell I'm doing. Why do I randomly stop my meds cold turkey? cause I think they aren't doing anything? well, I get to a place in my life like this where they obviously were doing something...

Yesterday Michelle and I went used DVD shopping so we could have a moviefest spread over a few days. I got a couple scary movies cause I just love creepy ass movies, so I got White Noise (Michael Keaton) and The Forgotten (Juilanne Moore). I also bought my favorite romance (because its not a god damn romantic comedy) City of Angels, because it's so full of despair and stuff, I love it. Michelle bought I <3 Huckabees. White Noise was excellent, my favorite type of scary movie. The Forgotten was horrible... it seemed like the writer(s) thought up a pretty cool idea but had no idea where he should go with it, so he made up some retarded thing instead (I won't wreck it for anyone.. until later tonight). Tonight Michelle is coming over for pizza, city of angels and then final fantasy x, as I'm going to introduce her into the greatest universe in existence, so you'll probably see final fantasy x images around here soon.

Work so far as been okay I guess... I had a really long call to start, so that was good, and it lead to directly to my break, and I've already taken my lunch and had leftover breast (on a bone.. ew) and two peices of potatos, and once kernal of corn. Yeah.. it wasn't much of a meal.. in fact.. I was disappointed and left hungry but thats okay... I'm having pizza hut tonight.. oh hut, how I miss you. *thinks of a reuinion*

I'm taking my meds tonight... I don't care what my brain tells me. So, chances are I'm going to get tired, really fast... so I may not be able to update again tonight, although I would like to make an entry reviewing (or minireviewing) White Noise and The Forgotten, as I.. should. Beware, there WILL be spoilers of course... i mean, why wouldn't there.

223 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Stream


January 01, 2000
if there is a hut reunion i so need to be there. so much hut of the years... how i miss it. *remembers the tower*

January 01, 2000
squishy squishy and warmness!

January 01, 2000
remember when the forgotten turned lame? oo0oo sucked into space oo0oo LAME

January 01, 2000
Oh dear... I hate The Forgotten. Looked like a cool movie with a neat story, but wow... Talk about suckage to the Xtreme! >_< City of Angels = AMAZING. Such a great movie. I loves Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan. They made such a good pair in that mo

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