
Writing Photography Rambling

December 01, 2010 11:04PM

It's Weird

It's kind of weird how I have days like today where I think back on the work I've done on various projects and lose motivation, think it was stupid, or can't even see where it was going. I loaded up the work I've done on the new panel for adding entries and thought it looked horrible. I need to rethink what I was doing, and get down on paper what features I want to add to it, or I think I'll lose it.

Today was a weird day, time seemed to break rules, I felt like crap, and overall it went too fast.

I woke up at 6:30am, had breakfast and headed to school to get there for 8am. I had an exam today, in Databases, and it was pretty easy. I got a 88% and the test was on SQL and I had never gone to class while we were learning that, hah!

It only took me 25 minutes to do the exam, so I was back on the bus home by 8:35. I stopped in at value-mart to grab lunch and stuff, I ended up getting some awesome roast beef, a fresh baked bun, some chips... I think that was it. When I got home, I started working on my database lab that was assigned this morning, and finished it in about an hour, as I was working slowly while watching TV and listening to music.

I had lunch when I was done the database, and it was awesome... very yummers.

The afternoon kind of turns into a blur, but I basically spent it helping Calen from school run around and quest in World of Warcraft, not really anything else.

At 5pm, my Sister came and picked me up and we went to Wal-mart to find me shoes, but I didn't see any that I would want to wear, so I gave up and we just left after Lindy grabbed some cat food.

We stopped in at Burger King for dinner and we had to wait like 20 minutes for food, which was just hilariously terrible.

I also ended up buying a book called PHP and MySQL Web Development, not exactly because I need them to learn those topics, but simply because i want to be as good as I can be, I enjoy reading these books if they're written well, and I figured I might pick up a few tricks that I didn't know about, or get inspritation from inside the pages of the book for ideas on how to improve my own projects.

After I got home from being out, I did the dishes and took out the garbage, and then talked to Dan on AIM, and told him I wanted to play some WoW, so I logged on, ran a couple heroics with Amanda, chef and Ruckr, and after those runs, I logged on my rogue, hung out with Amanda and Dan in vent and ran a couple level 70 dungeons with Dan's mage on my rogue.

That pretty much leads me up to here. I had a nice hot bath, and then started typing this out.

I've felt like shit today, worse than all week. My neck and back is still a bit sore, I'm now getting a headache, I'm getting a sore throat, and probably the worst thing is it feels like I have something stuck in my throat, like when you take an advil liquid gel and it doesn't go down right. It hurts when I swallow, and just sucks balls. I feel like shit and I can't wait to fall asleep so that I have a chance of a good day tomorrow. I just don't want to feel like this anymore. It feels like today just flew by and I didn't get a chance to do anything. It's one of the only days I ever get to relax, and yet, here I am right before bed time and I feel like I haven't done anything.

I'm going to go now, start writing plans down on paper of what i want to include on the new add entry panel, so that it's easier to keep ont rack. It's stupid, but the visual appearance is also important to me, and I'm not happy with how it looks at the moment, so I need to figure that out too.

Goodbye everyone, talk to you soon!

726 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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