
Writing Photography Rambling

August 30, 2011 9:47PM

A Living Process

I'm stupid... or silly... one of those, I haven't decided which. For some reason I always think that a beer or two after work, or in the afternoon is a good idea, but it always leaves me feeling headachey, tired, gross... and I just keep doing it. It kind of makes me into a useless piece of shit, but ah well, what are you gonna do?

I was asked to come in early today, for 7am instead of 11am, so I woke up at 5:20am or something, made a bagel and cream cheese and had a coffee, very quickly reglued my headphones (as one of them is broken and if unglued, it won't sit on my head properly) and walked to the bus. When I got to work, Julie had timbits and a coffee waiting for me, because she's awesome, and it was a great way to start the day.

I spent the morning getting the cafe ready for lunch service, or at least the first half of the morning. I put on the soups and got the pasta bar ready but at around 9:30am, Julie had some appointments, some interviews were coming in, so I had to go to the cafe to be the breakfast cook, something which I used to do a bit more often, but haven't done in forever. It went pretty well, I got compliments on my eggs, even though I really dislike cooking eggs to order, especially over easy and sunny side up, just because the chance of having a yolk break is pretty high, and if that happens, you gotta throw it out and start over, and that screws up the overall timing of the entire table.

After breakfast, I had to go down to the CVG and make sandwiches, eventually coming back up to make some salads and wait around for Julie to get off work.

After work, Julie and I went to get some beer at the beer store, and then went to Connors' and enjoyed a tallboy and a half while just chatting and having fun... eventually leaving to go pick up a shelf off of Kajiji, and then drove me home.

Once home, I made spaghetti for dinner, and then fell asleep on the couch, eventually waking up and having coffee but also having a big headache. I eventually took two tylenol, a sleeping pill and ran a bath about an hour earlier than normal, just because I felt like shit and wanted to sleep, so... yeah.

Tomorrow is a somewhat busy day at work, with about 80 people for a breakfast and lunch buffet, so I need to come in and get all that stuff ready and before I know it it'll be time to go home! right? .. riiiight? After work I'm most likely having a couple drinks and going to a gaming thingy convention thingy thinger. I don't know what to call it.. I'm being social for some reason, should be interesting.

493 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Broken up but living with Michelle

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