
Writing Photography Rambling

January 11, 2013 12:09AM

The Hobbit

I worked today, went to school today, went to the gym today, and saw the Hobbit today. Today was a busy day, if you can't tell, and I think this may be one of the first times I've sat down and took a breath, or at least it feels that way.

I had to open this morning, at 6am, so I woke up around 5:20am... with a headache... for the fourth day in a row or something. I never wake up with headaches, it's just not the type of headaches I suffer from, but recently it's been happening a lot, and the only thing new is working out, so I'm nearly convinced it's related to lifting weights, the strain it puts on neck muscles, and how neck muscles seem to root their way directly into my brain stem, swell and cause massive headaches. I don't know, I'm no expert or anything, but I know different types of headaches, THAT I am an expert in, so I can tell that something unusual is causing these ones... soo.... that kinda sucks.

Work was busy, which sucked, since it had been three days off and it's difficult to go back when it's busy because it's like being thrown in the deep end when you haven't gone swimming in a long time. I was anxious and felt like I was having a heart attack, for many reasons. One of our cooks was a no call no show twice in a row, so she's pretty much fired (or should be), so I had to do all of her work, but I also had to do this big breakfast, hotel breakfast, then her work (that I mentioned) and finally prep the entire next mornings events, which was something like five breakfasts and a lunch. Thankfully I managed to get it all done, and that felt pretty good, and I worked 7.5 hours, got picked up by Calen, and headed straight for school.

Since I had worked, I hadn't eaten anything all day, so I was pretty much starving and close to death, so I was late for class because I was getting a sub from Subway, a 12" turkey on parmesan oregano, and I did consider the fact that I always get heart burn or an upset stomach from eating a sub, but I thought that feeling would be better than the current feeling, regardless of the discomfort, so I went ahead and bought the food, headed to class late, sat down and didn't even take out my computer, I just sat and listened to the lecture and enjoyed my messy, sauce filled sub.

School was just one class today, a two hour Patterns class, so once class was over, I packed up and went and caught the Oxford, took it down the street to Highbury, transfered busses to the Highbury and took the crowded, uncomfortable ride home.

Once home Bekki and I headed to the gym where I had a less than optimal experience. It was about 5pm, which is probably the busiest time at the gym, and I was really uncomfortable with how busy it was. I wasn't comfortable working out completely surrounded by people. I know that no one is staring at me (although it's ignorant to think people don't see me), but I can't help but feel like the center of attention when I'm literally in the center of everyone doing something. I like private little corners to do stuff in, where I can at least feel ignored. So my workout didn't go well, I didn't do two of my things, the things I did do I wasn't comfortable with, and overall I hated life, felt like I had failed myself, failed Bekki, and just kinda wanted to run away.

After the gym I cooked seared Salmon filet's on balsamic cream couscous with cherry tomatoes, shallots and spinach. It was pretty tasty but I was still kind of off from the whole gym experience, so I didn't really enjoy dinner at all.

Once dinner was out of the way, we headed out again to go see the Hobbit in 3D in high framerate, and it was pretty good. I think a lot of the scenes could've been shorter... not to say that it was bad or anything, but it didn't have to be as long as it was, and it would've still been good. The high framerate was a little off-putting, and while it made the 3D seem better, I'm not sure I like the effect it had on the actual viewing experience. A lot of scenes came across as if they were in fast forward, and it seemed less... professional, less put together. It was a good movie though, and I look forward to the next one.

Now I'm home, it's after midnight and I have school at 8am tomorrow, so I have to go to sleep very soon... so I'll wrap this up now, and see if I'm tired enough to lay down. I just feel so sick from eating popcorn, I think I'm going to swear off buying food at the theatre, because I never enjoy it really, and I'd much rather pick up $5 of candy at the bulk barn before going than spend $15 on popcorn and a pop that just makes me feel gross by the end of the movie.

890 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I worked at Windermere

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