
Writing Photography Rambling

November 09, 2013 8:29PM

Trying to Get my Head Right

I'm probably the most stressed out I've ever been in my life, and I have about six overwhelming days and then one day where I can actually accomplish something of value, and then it all goes back to shit.

I had one of those days of relief about three days ago now, where I had a day off from work, and a day where I could attend classes from home, and I accomplished school goals, and personal goals, and it felt good, and I didn't get a migraine, I didn't feel like shit about everything, and I got stuff done. Things felt attainable, reachable... I felt okay, and that's all I ever want, and never do.

The last couple days I've got big migraines, and tonight is no exception. I took prescription medication for it that I got from my Mom and I feel loopy and lethargic, almost like Xanax.

I've been playing Hearthstone in any free time that I find, which isn't a lot. I've also been listening to Old Man Luedecke, and trying to keep up with my shows (Boardwalk, Walking Dead, Agents of Shield).

Bekki has a friend over and they're chatting downstairs, I'm upstairs watching the Walking Dead. I'm exhausted and feel like shit, work tomorrow and have to wake up at 5am, so I'm gonna watch my show and then head to bed.

Another month of this... I can do it. I can't get through undamaged.

241 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

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