
Writing Photography Rambling

June 19, 2014 9:39PM

A Billion Years From Now

I've been writing with pen and paper, so I'm still writing, even though I don't get to this page very often. For me, it accomplishes the same goal, and I think it helps me. The only downside is spreading the writing out across multiple platforms.

My first week of my new job is almost done. I would say it's getting easier with each day. I actually did my first bit of real work today, and I almost giggled out loud. For the most part I have been learning how laravel works, learning the ins and outs of git, command line use using zsh, composer and other such things. I'm starting to feel more confident, but I tend to seize up and get really anxious if someone talks to me or I'm put on the spot.

There are two main issues so far that I've got to learn to deal with:

My body is fighting against me. Who would've known sitting all day would be so damaging, if that's actually the cause, but I'm suffering from some pretty severe physical things. My left knee is in really bad shape. It hurts to walk, and to move it, it sends pains down to my toes, and at times my foot can go to sleep. My upper thighs were quite sore the first couple days as well, but I seem to be getting better. On top of the knee, I'm having stomach issues, where I have constant pains, sharp pains inside, swelling of my stomach (noticeable) and it hurts to breath in. Not really sure what the hell that's all about. Finally, I've had to pee a lot. How much is a lot? I'm not really sure what that is... at Windermere, I would drink coffee all day and pee maybe twice. Just to see if I was crazy, today I kept track of how often I had to go pee. I drank a coffee in the morning before work, and then sipped on a water through the day but only a tiny bit. I think I went pee eight times or something, which averages out to about once and hour. I feel like that's not normal.

The other issue is timing. While I get accustomed to work, learning things, not really working on my own, etc., I need to work 9am to 5pm, and I get home around 6pm. I've been used to eating dinner around 5:30pm for the last seven years or so, so getting home at 6:00 and not eating until 6:30 or 6:45 is really screwing up my entire night. Not only am I starving by that point, but my whole timeframe is off, as I usually play a game, read some stuff, watch a show, but essentially an hour or so has been taken away, so it's going to take some time to figure out how to deal with that. Eventually I'll be in a situation where I can work whatever hours I want, and I think it'll be 7:30 to 3:30 or 8 to 4, so that will help maintain my sanity.

Besides my terrible physical ailments, I feel like I'm doing fairly well with everything.

On the weekend, I want to start my own laravel project, perhaps remaking this blog with all that I've learned since the last time I remade it. I figure spending time in laravel on my own will only help learn everything there is to learn, and that can't be bad.

I'm tired.

574 words

  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki

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