
Writing Photography Rambling

December 07, 2004 12:00AM


I wrote this at work, during the morning:

I'm so sick feeling... I get this feeling up my arm... into my chest, up my neck and then into my brain and it makes me want to fall to the ground and scream and kick and flail wildley. I don't know causes it...

Interesting no? I guess it wasn't that interesting.. but still. Lately I've been feeling so sick, mentally and physically. Today it burns when I breathe in and I feel so weak, and I always feel faint and like I'm about to black out. Maybe I'm just dehydrated... I have no more pink lemonaid and I refuse to drink water as it gives me both nausia and migranes. I just wish I could feel relaxed, calm and happy... but for some reason this week I'm just meant to suffer and I just god damn hate it so much.

I thought I'd just mention that Tony is moving the webkore servers from a puny little kid server he's on now, to a huge, big penised server he will actually own, that's five billion times better and larger penised than the current, what that means, is that all webkore sites might be down for about.. one day. or two at most... so if you come here and I'm gone... well... come back the next day because I'll be back.

Other than the fact that I feel like complete, total shit, the server is moving, and I'm reading for bed and writing an entry at 8:30, nothing much worth mentioning happened today, or anything I can feel like writing about. I'm sure I can go into detail about my lunch or my walk to work or something else no one would find interesting, but I just don't seem to have it in me at the current time. Hopefully this site won't be down for long, so don't stop coming, you fucking bastards!

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I was with Emily
  • I worked at TNS

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