
Writing Photography Rambling

December 09, 2003 7:47PM

I Will Be Alone This Christmas

Well, I guess it's been a while since I've updated... you people are probably all worried and wondering what I'm up to, because I know how much of a big part of your life I am. Shockling not a lot has been happening... although I guess there are a few things worth mentioning.

Hmmm... December 5th was my last day of school, and since then I've been spending my nights playing Final Fantasy XI, usually with Ben. I'm a level 19 Warrior/7 Theif, and rising. Theives are fun to play just because of how quck they are, and the increased gil and chance to steal items is a great addition. Ben started raising Red Mage as his subjob and it's also on level 7, so it's nice to have a healer in the party, who can still kick the enemies asses for the most part.

Secondly I've been spending my evenings with Linzie playing Final Fantasy X-2 and getting further into the game. The story is developing quite a bit more than earlier, and it's starting to get very interesting... can't wait to keep getting farther and farther.

I'm off school until January 12th or something, so... lots of free time for me. Other than the fact that I work for the next four days straight, it feels kinda nice to be at home for a change.

I have more to say, and write of course, but for some reason it's hurting my head and I just really don't want to go on. Sorry...

252 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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