
Writing Photography Rambling

December 03, 2005 12:00AM

Strange Sunlight

For some reason when I look through the crack in my curtains right in front of me, in my room, it looks like sunlight; I realize that it's just a light, reflecting on the snow on a car, but still, it made look twice to make sure it wasn't THAT early in the morning... cause ya know, that would just be insanity! INSANITY! Yeah, this paragraph came out of nowhere, pretty much in a fear of writing about anything else in my head hah. Oh well... that whole sunlight dealy was pretty entertaining in it's own right, so I'll let that be the highlight of the entry, because as we all know, there has to be a highlight.

Brittany and I played Soul Calibur 2 for a bit this evening, something we haven't done in a little bit over a week, so I obviously had a bit more recent practice than her, but she was still confident with her ability to kick my ass and spit in my face... so I humoured her and put the game on. I picked pretty much only my favorite characters, except once I chose Spawn out of boredom (characters like Mistirugi, Talim, Cassandra, Ivy, Sophitia)... anyway, we played seven matches I believe... and I won eeeeverytime... yup, yup.. never defeated. I'm not sure why really... I don't usually do that well against humans, since the button mashing factor can usually keep them pounding on my while I'm mistakenly attempting to use strategy (you know, that 'mental stimulation' everyone seems to hate) when instead I should've been clearing my mind of all thought, staring at the screen and mashing buttons without any thought... but for some reason my thoughtful strategy worked out perfectly tonight and I won every time. Around the seventh win, she got fed up of loosing, especially to Spawn, whom I usually suck with... so she placed the controller nicely on the ground and said she had had enough... I don't blame her, I was actually going to do the same thing, because winning with little effort over and over again is really boring and not fun for me... (Halo 2 anyone?). That was my fun Soul Calibur 2 story... thank you!

From pretty much when Vanessa got here, we got ready and then left for shopping at Whiteoaks and the surrounding area. Pat came with us, as did Brittany, and we went to various stores, looked at things, I watched people buy stuff... it was exciting! Actually, it wasn't that bad besides my headache that I had throughout the day... and pretty much this whole week come to think of it. I must have a badass crink in my neck or something that keeps kicking my ass (or head actually)... either way, nothing seems to help them.. not advil, not tylenal, not T3s... no matter what I do, headache after headache... it's really getting on my nerves, and it's really hard to be in a happy, bubbly mood when the slightest move you make, sends sharp pains into your temples, back lobes and front lobes, and behind your eyes. I deal with it pretty well, and I try not to complain very much, because everyone hates complainers, so I just try my best not to move much, and keep my mouth shut. So all together, shopping was pretty fun, minus the physical aspects of the trip and the blah, I'd give it a thumbs up.

Brittany left early because she's a pansy and didn't want to walk home or call a cab, so she caught the last bus from my house around ten to 12, and then Vanessa and I watched the ending of What Not To Wear, and then Nick came home, and we decided to go out for food, but first they had to go visit some pothead before we were allowed to do anything, so they went there, and I went to Dissent, unknowing that there was event going on there (some metal show promoting the Intercessor DVD relase). I went in for a bit and surprisingly Kurt and Sarah were there, so I sat with them, talked, hugged, etc etc.. and I hung out there for about fifteen, twenty minutes (the time I had arranged with Vanessa and Nick to meet them outside), so I went outside and stood for awhile... walked down to the corner to look down the street and stuff, but no one.. so instead of sitting out in the cold, I went back in, only to find that the only people I could sit or hang out with are going home, so I just turned right back around and went outside, eventually having Kurt and Sarah show up behind me, and then stand with me while I waited, which was super nice. I even told them they could go home since they were obviously cold and I was okay on my own but they insisted on staying. Kurt kept trying to talk me into just going with him to his house for drinks and stuff and it was tempting but I knew it would be badnews if I took off. Around another fifteen, twenty minutes went by standing outside with them when I decided that if they didn't show up in ten minutes I was going home, but they ended up showing up around the half hour late mark, and Sarah and Kurt said goodbye and went home. After that we walked to Pizza Pizza to get pizza, and then walked all the freaking way up asshole street (Richmind... jock bar central) and we walked all the way up to Sammy's, avoiding any and all contact with anyone else outside. I don't really want to put in the details, as it all pretty much involves leather, camo and kakhi, so I don't really need to go into it. Sammy's was full and I was immediately uncomfortable being in there, as it was full, and these are the type of people that would openly make fun of me sober, and they were all drunk off their asses, so I was pretty nervous one was just gonna shank me. I just sat there staring down at my getting cold pizza as they ate, and then I got out of there as fast as I could.

I'm going to make the walk home a lot shorter since it's boring... except that I ran into Ann, but she kept walked and I had to yell, "HEY! Come here!" and then I hugged her, and introduced her to my friends and then we talked for a few minutes then told her she had my permission to leave, so we were off. *insert music here* - many, many minutes past - *cough* Now we're at Big Bee's what seems like seven hours later, and we bought chocolate, then walked home. Yay.. now I feel warmer writing this knowing I was at home. I warmed up my pizza and watched the Tyra Banks show. By the end of the show, Nick and Vanessa had fallen asleep on the couch, so I ripped Alice in Video land to my Xbox so I could listen during Tetris or Grand Theft Auto sessions. While it was ripping, I watched the ending half of Conan O'brien, and then afterwards, I watched The Odd Couple (ah, good ol' times). After that, I played a bit of Tetris, Vanessa woke up, got ready for bed... I decided I was going to bath, as I wasn't relaxed or tired at all and baths get me in bed mood, and then after my bath I decided to write a lame entry about what I did today; and I guess that's where we are...

I feel pickely today... I ate around 8 pickles... some homemade ones, and a couple store bought ones. I also ate Taco Bell and Pizza Pizza, so I don't really feel nourished at all, and feel quite empty inside. Tomorrow I think I'm going to do a bit of slowcooking. I'll get supper ready as soon as I crawl out of bed, and I know that when I crawl out of bed, the last thing I'm going to want to do is peel potatos and make some chicken broth, but I think it'd make a good supper, and it's preeeetty easy to make, and the only downside is I only have enough corn for one person, so I dunno... I had planned it out as a one person meal for myself during the week, but I never got around to making it, since I never ate this week... I'm not sure if I can turn it into a two person dinner with what I've got. This paragraph seems really boring on review... jeeze. I should update about how I killed a man with a spoon... I bet i'd get hits then! Think of it! I could have pictures! *sigh* but... I just don't have a killin' spoon... dammit.

Apparently this blue immovane is supposed to be double strength and knock me out really fast, but it's been around an hour... maybe fortyfive minutes, and I've yet to feel any tiredness come on. I got a little dizzy around bath time, but other than making it more difficult to walk, I'm no more ready for bed than I was a few minutes/hours ago. For some reason when I take two or three of Brittany's lower dosage immovane, it puts me out within the hour... hrm.. I wonder what the deal is. Oh well, I'm hoping that maybe the release on the tablet is just really slow, rather than thinking my body just doesn't care about it. I'll just go lay down and play DS until my eyes start calling me mean names, I cry, then go to bed.

So fans, I suppose this is where I say goodnight, like I always do, and tell you that I'm gonna go lay down. Some of you can picture that... and I'm sure someone of you do.. .fucking creeps. uh.. where was I going with that? Oh yeah... quit it! Talk to you all tomorrow I'm sure... thanks for reading, please come back some other time in the future at some point. Oh, and send me money. that would be great; toodles.

1710 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I dated Vanessa


January 01, 2000
i clearly kicked your ass at soul calibre. no one else has time to learn strategy like you do. we only play with you so the button mashing has to commence or we would just die.

January 01, 2000
remember when you said youd never go to white oaks again?!?!??!?!! yeah, i said it.

January 01, 2000
I didn't try to ignore you or anything. I was coming back from, uh, something I'll tell you about later.

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