
Writing Photography Rambling

March 28, 2003 12:00AM

Sleep Is A Waste Of Time

I sleep all day, get up, go to work, come home, be depressed. It's such a circle of hate. I just want to turn it around, but I can't because of work. I can't stay up all day and go to bed at a decent time becuase I have to go to stupid work... Not till Sunday. I can make it till then right?

I closed today at work which went better than before. I'm getting in the routine and I know when to do things, so I was actually ready to go at 11, instead of 11:30 or so. Especially since I had Tara there with me till 9, and she did a lot of the stuff I usually have to do, because either Aaron doesn't do it, or I don't tell him to. But whatever... today was really easy. Linzie didn't come to see me until 10pm, which sucked. I never get to spend time with her anymore and it really really hurts me. Sometimes I feel lied to and suspicious but I know it's just the bullshit going on in my mind and I try to ignore it. I still get tortured endlessly in my head, all the time... and it doesn't go away and never will.. fuck them.

I want it to be 3pm, so Linzie will be here soon. Then I want to skip work and be with Linzie some more, than walk her home and... no, actually make her not go home and then sleep all night and day with her and feel warm and happy!

Maybe someday.

261 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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