
Writing Photography Rambling

March 31, 2006 5:10AM

Pure Morning

Today was a somewhat uneventful day, seeing as I didn't even really feel awake for any of it, moreso just floated along in somewhat of a daze, assuming I was awake and okay, but not really sure of it. I generally feel okay, and today I felt okay, but a tad bit on the numb side... I've been feeling pretty sick these last few days; trouble breathing, trouble focusing, stomache ache, headaches... today I just felt a bit out of it, or not all there... I'm not sure what's causing this, but I hope it goes away.

I made a few improvements to the Project Blog (but I won't be listing them officially until I have a significant change log), but other than that small bit of coding, I didn't really do much today... seriously.

Linzie came over in the evening for TV watching and supper eating, which went okay. I never really know what to do in the form of entertainment... I mean, I have very few people skills, and it's natural for me to just sit around, code a bit, watch TV... do nothing really. When someone comes over, I feel strange because I'm not sure what to do or how to act. I'm sure she doesn't mind, but I'm also sure she notices what a dork I am; it's not my wish to make things awkward, I just never know what to do.

Later in the night I watched The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, and helped Michelle learn CSS/HTML by example, showing her how to create a basic layout. I'm getting pretty damn good at this web-based stuff.. I created a nice looking layout in under ten minutes, and these last few projects have only taken me less than a day to a day to make. WOO ME!

Much later in the night, Anthony and I played Diablo 2, starting new characters and beginning again. He started a Werewolf Druid (which he loves) and I started a fire Sorceress (which I'm eager to get to level 24 so I don't have to sit around doing nothing).

I downloaded the new Placebo album and it's freakin' amazing. Meds and Broken Promise are amazing songs. Naturally I've been listening to all my Placebo lately, and it's so freakin good. I highly recommend everyone check out their new album Meds.

I think I'm going to lay down for the night. Thanks for reading...

404 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


March 31, 2006

I seriously love the Druid. I don't freakin die anymore!

March 31, 2006

Thanks for all of your help, you did an awesome job helping me, I know I'm not the best student but you put up with me!


March 31, 2006

For some reason this entry made me feel warm. Lately I've felt nothing but cold; it must have something to do with my lack of human interaction. That's ok, writing works it seems.

You rock!

April 01, 2006

i obviously don't mind. i've known you long enough to know what to expect when i come over. either video games, movies or tv watching.
maybe we should mix it up with a sexy party next time.

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