
Writing Photography Rambling

April 11, 2006 9:42AM

Excesive Forum News

Excessive Forum Updates

I've made some updates/upgrades on the forum that are worth mentioning. The changes are as follows:

  • It now shows which users are currently viewing the board in a ten minute window, and beside the user name is displays the number of posts that user has made in the forum.
  • There is now a thread limit on the front page of 15 threads. Threads beyond the initial 15 are split up into multiple pages containing 15 threads each. To view older threads, simply navigate to the older pages. The thread limit may change, I'm not sure yet.
  • E-mail notification has been activated and you will now recieve an e-mail anytime one of your posts is replied too, so long as you checked the box that says, "Send me notifications" when you posted the message. If you no longer which to recieve e-mails for a specific post, or want to start, simply edit the post, and make the change to the checkbox and then save the changes.
  • When replying to a post, it shows you the post underneath the form, as well as the children tree under that. This makes it easier to quote, or to simply remember what you were replying to.
  • An alternative style was added to the board to reflect the look of a UBB style board, with only parent threads listed, and children stacked underneath. If you always wish to view the board in this style, simply bookmark the front page after clicking the link, and it should always keep you in that style. Bugs found in this style will be less of a priortiy over bugs found in the threaded style.
  • There have been many visual changes, including a complete change in colors for links and text. These changes make the board easier to read and nicer on the eyes.
  • I'm still considering adding the ability for users who are not logged in to post on the forum, although I'm not sure I want to, since creating an Excessive Rambling account is so quick and easy, there really is no excuse not to if you want to post a message. What do you guys think?

    More Forum Updates

  • The forum will now remember what you set your e-mail notification checkbox too, and automatically set it to what it was set to in your last post. So if you post with it unchecked, your next post will have it unchecked by default.
  • As per request.

    408 words

    No Tags
    • I lived on Grey St.
    • Michelle was my Roommate


    April 11, 2006

    I say, damn the anonymous posters!

    April 11, 2006

    They're just bastards too lazy to make an account!

    April 11, 2006

    I like the original style more than the UBB.

    April 11, 2006

    set a flag in your profile to default or not to send email notifications?

    April 11, 2006

    I was hoping no one would say that. I'll do it, but it won't be a part of the profiles, as that is part of a different script. What it will do is just remember what you had it set to last, and set it to that.

    April 11, 2006

    I agree that the UBB is ugly and stupid. Don't use it if you don't like it.

    April 11, 2006

    i like steves idea, i hate anonymous posters and yay for me not having to remember what im replying to anymore! haha thats the best part. my poor brain just cant handle remebering something for 3 seconds.

    April 11, 2006

    It's been added.

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