
Writing Photography Rambling

April 24, 2006 1:53AM

Headache and Sore Fingers

I have such a fucking headache, I can't even think or function anymore. It's only gotten worse as times goes on today, so much so that I can't even sit at this fucking computer anymore, and I've got to lay down and try to relax into a sleep.

Today... was okay. I usually hate Sundays even though it's my "day off"... it was just really blah, and apparently I missed quite the storm that I'm sure would've brought me great joy.

The stats script I wrote was being accessed a bunch and was causing a bit of increase in server load, so I had to rethink how I was going to go about collecting the stats, and I fixed the issue, and now the stats aren't generated in real time (which is what caused the load spike) rather, they are collected every 24 hours. Obviously, the old (1 day old hah) script had to be scrapped, although I used peices of it to form the new cron, and then I had to create a new script that extracts and displays the information from a newly created stats table in the database. I've created the basis of it, and it displays the first bits of information, just not the two graphs (phrases and hours), those will most likely be added tomorrow, and when it's complete, I'll make a post about it.

I feel like I have a bunch of bitching built up inside me, and I just want to let it out and complain, and whine, and be all dramatic, but I keep resisting. I feel so numb all the time, I forget what it feels like to be passionate and dramatic :(


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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


April 24, 2006

Ive been holding in bitching and complaining n shit too. Ive been focusing on good which I know will let the bad build up til I snap and be a giant asshole or something. But Im enjoying the good so Ill block out the bad for now and just kinda...ignore it.

I enjoyed the stats thing while it lasted. But it looks fancier now and will be better than ever in no time! I guess in real time wasnt needed.

Im headachey too and Ive been pillless n junk for well..since before i came over that night to get pills from ya. Its ass! But Im better at ignoring em now. But I soooo gotta buy some soon! Work sucks with headaches.

I guess I missed stormyness too...it was like...just wet anytime I was paying attention. Wet sucks..storms rock!

April 24, 2006

I am plagued by headaches a lot - you need to find out which kind of headache it is and then you can take the appropriate measures to dispell it:

- blowdrying your forehead (I kid you not!)

- taking an aspirin (the one and only miracle drug)

- getting some fresh air (usually helps a little bit with every type of headache)

- sleeping (if you can sleep while having a headache, that is. Works well in conjunction with the aspirin).

- generally getting the blood pressure up (that mostly helps with right sided headaches, whereas left sided headaches mostly get worse from it).

April 24, 2006

I totally forgot last night was Sunday! I'm sorry I couldn't have stayed and helped rid your bad headache though :S


April 24, 2006

Yeah, I've had headaches my whole life, and very little helps anymore.

Pills (Advil, Motrin, Aspirin, Tylenol) rarely do anything, most likely because I've been taking them for so long and in such large quantity).

I do find that fresh air helps, and usually getting my neck or head rubbed will make it feel better for a little bit, usually sleep is the only thing that will help.

Sleep or morphine.

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