
Writing Photography Rambling

September 13, 2006 3:31AM

Tuesday Night

I'm all caught up on Prison Break, and it only took me.. a few days actually. I went from never having seen an episode, to having seen every single one, in about three days; I just finished the last few from season two, including Monday's episode. It's exciting and fun to watch, and I'm especially interested to see where they go with it, and I have faith that they can keep it fun and exciting, even if it's different than the first season.

Between Prison Break, Nip/Tuck and Charmed, I've been playing Disgaea 2 and Dragon Quest 8, and petting cats.

There honestly isn't much more to talk about. I've got a horrible headache, and I don't feel that well right now (nor did I all day) so I think I'm going to put on Nip/Tuck and then go to sleep afterward.

Maybe I'll write again tomorrow... how strange would that be!?

152 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


September 13, 2006

I'm sorry, but could you rephrase that in the form of a metaphor?

September 13, 2006

This week's been so boring for me, we haven't been able to actually watch an episode of Star Trek yet!

I emailed you a few times, I am assuming that you haven't gotten them yet. Damn email!

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