December 04, 2006 5:33PM
Monday Afternoon
I had a difficult time falling asleep last night... I had taken a sleeping pill around 4am, but I couldn't fall asleep until around 8am or something, and I just watched the Office and played a little bit of SSX On Tour, eventually just slamming my head into the pillow and going to sleep.
I woke up feeling quite crappy... I had a scratchy throat and just that feeling that you know you'll be getting a bad cold soon, so hopefully that passes without me actually getting sick, as having a cold blows.
I downloaded a bunch of movies last night, so this week I'll probably watch a lot of movies, and tonight is Heroes with Ally, so that should put me in a better mood.
I watched Saturday's Saturday Night Live a few minutes ago, and it was good. The host was Matthew Fox (Jack from Lost) and the musical guest was Tenacious D and they were awesome. It was nice to see them play, as it's been quite a while.
I'm probably going to pick a movie and get under the covers and stay warm to fight off a stupid cold. I don't have any energy and just feel blah all around, so... I'm sure you're kind wishes will motivat... what? what was that? Oh that's right, Ally and Michelle are the only people that bother talking to me! I forgot I had no other friends! Silly me.
241 words
- I lived on Grey St.
- Michelle was my Roommate
Remember when we watched all three Lord of the Rings movies? I loved it!
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