
Writing Photography Rambling

March 13, 2007 2:51PM

No Routine

I'm all over the place, from happy to sad to mad to depressed, and I can't seem to even out. My sleeping habits are all messed up, my eating habits are even more messed up, I don't play games unless it's 4am, I don't become comfortable in bed unless it's 9am, I don't interact with other humans, I don't see anyone, I don't hear from anyone, I feel alone; sometimes I like being alone, sometimes I hate it.

I went and had lunch with my Mom and Sister at my Sister's apartment and played with her new kitten Smokey. It was a lot of fun and made me want to get a kitten because although I have three cats, I've never had a kitten. He's so small! and fun! He just runs around and he kept running up my Mom's back and trying to get her earrings. Then I'd move my fingers on the couch and he'd jump from the chair to the couch and oh it was fun.

PGR3.. not 2 haha

Last night I couldn't sleep so I played a lot of Project Gotham Racing 2, and then a mission of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and then a couple missions of Rainbow Six 3.

I didn't get to sleep until after Michelle had left for work, and I had to get up arund 11am to go for lunch, so I'm really tired, but I'm not sure if I'm going to lay down and nap or try to stay awake until tonight to try and get back into a normal sleeping routine. I guess it depends on my mood. The bright sunlight and warm weather sure does help make me feel a bit better though, and I even have the window open a crack for the cats to take turn breathing fresh air.

298 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


March 13, 2007

Oh, I would so so so love a kitten! I'm sure Tidus would too. :P I wish I could have went too, and played with him. I'm jealous (also of your turkey sandwich)!

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