
Writing Photography Rambling

July 30, 2007 1:21AM

Bender Says I'm The Man

I woke up pretty early today... I think. To be honest, I don't have much memory of this morning, but I assume I woke up early, because whenever there is bacon in the house, I wake up hungry, and instead of going back to sleep like I normally would, I just can't stop thinking about how I could make bacon and eggs to get rid of my hunger... but this morning I got up early and ended up not making anything.

I did the dishes and made cookies, had lunch around 11 (frozen pizza) and watching That 70's Show, and on and off I worked a bit on this high scores project I've got going. I worked into the evening on it (breaking for an episode of CSI and a nice spaghetti dinner) and just stopped a few minutes ago. I'm pretty sure I'm about finished the first version of it now... I've got the features I want, and the only changes I'll be doing are really small details and stuff, so... yay for accomplishing things! I'm excited for Ben to get home so we can start going nuts setting scores.

In a few minutes I'm gonna watch the West Wing and tomorrow I'm going for lunch with my Mom, and picking up the rest of the groceries (which I have to make a list for still).

That's about it! I'm kinda tired, and hot from my bath, so I don't feel like writing much more.

245 words

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