
Writing Photography Rambling

July 30, 2005 12:00AM

hot girl?

tonight sarah made a mistake and told me something about someone that wasnt true, and i made the mistake of believer her and then based my behaviour on.. what i believed to be fact.. when in fact, i just made an ass out of my self.

I know she'll never read this but honestly... I'm so very sorry (girl) and I want to be bestfriends but thats never gonna happen.

well fuck


Alright so I'm not drunk now. Maybe I overreacted haha. yeah, I'm still a bit embarrased, mostly because i feel like i acted like a six year old, but meh.. oh well.

105 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Stream


January 01, 2000
please tell me what happened

January 01, 2000
haha, nah! it was no big deal, just slightly embarrasing.

January 01, 2000
Then she obviously lied to me. I can't stand it when people lie to me. Stupid cockbrains.

January 01, 2000
no no, you were drunk and confused. ill talk to you about it tonight if I see you before you're drunk :P

January 01, 2000
obviously she weanted my cock! obviously im drunk

January 01, 2000
I'm sad that I wasn't there to watch everyone make a drunken fool out of themselves..cuz y'know..that *never* happens to us when we usually go out. ha!

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