
Writing Photography Rambling

October 09, 2007 8:08PM

Day Back

Today was awesome, as there was nothing going on at work and I had an assistant and I didn't really do anything but talk to co-workers.

I went to Hamilton on Saturday and left my keys there... it was nice seeing everyone (Randy, Brian, Michael, Bev, Normal, Kristine, Angus, my grandpa and Mom and Lindy) and we had turkey. Monday Michelle and I went to her parents house for more turkey and that was good except I had a bad headache.

The time not spent eating turkey, was spent playing WoW with Michelle, we played a lot of our Priest/Rogue combo, and a bit of our Paladin/Hunter combo. It was fun as usual.

Things are going well.. I'm eagarly awaiting the cold, as it will get rid of.. fleas, bees at work, the need to have a fan on at night, having cold mornings and hot afternoons and many other things. I also find winter time, especially the coming of Christmas, to be one of the most comforting times of the year. Heavy snow outside, the dim lighting of a lamp in the corner, lots of blankets on the bed.. playing video games on the couch, I find it all very comforting.

Also, I'm saving up money and will be purchasing a new iPod, Xbox 360, DS Lite, PSP, USB Hub, 500GB External Hard drive and a USB headset.

Ta da! I expect to have all of that by January.

241 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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