
Writing Photography Rambling

November 16, 2010 12:12PM

I Feel Sick Inside

I've felt sick for the last few days, I think it all started with work, how physically exausting it is to go to school for five days a week, and then work 25 hours in two days. When I'm at work I don't really get a chance to eat or drink properly, usually just snacking on really small things, like a muffin in the morning, and then maybe one or two pieces of something during the day, like not enough to sustain life. I usually drink only coffee, and maybe a glass of pop or something.

Sunday, at around the 10 hour mark (after working 12.5 hours the day before) I started to feel like I was going to faint. I could feel the blood rushing out of my face and I know that feeling, and pretty much since then I've just felt sick. You know how you feel after being really dizzy, motion sickness? I feel like that. It's making me not hungry, well, it's making me not want to eat, because I feel sick. It's making it really impossible to sit and relax, I haven't felt relaxed in a long time, where I can just sit on the couch and feel comfortable.

I'm going to be getting an assignment in Business today, so I'll probably do that and my programming homework when I get home from school today. I'm just on break between classes now and watching the Day9 daily, eating chips and drinking a Coke. I was just noticing how crappy I feel right now, which inspired me to complain online where no one actually cares.

I tried working on the quiz project layout thing, but the internet is so terrible here at school that it barely ever connected to the server to upload work, and most of the time juts freezes. Like right now, the Day9 daily just froze on buffering because it can't get a connection to the server, because the network at Fanshawe is terrible.

328 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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