
Writing Photography Rambling

December 21, 2010 2:36AM

Bane of Writing

World of Warcraft is the bane of writing I think.

I'd write more now but it's 2:33am and I have to work tomorrow morning at 10am, which means I need to be awake by 8:30am at the latest, and I really should be sleeping right now.

I stayed home today, relaxed, really relaxed, walked to the grocery store, went out for dinner with Michelle's aunt, and then played World of Warcraft with Ben for the first time in seven or eight months, and we played for over five hours. It was a lot of fun, and we're playing more tomorrow.

Now, I'm not quite tired, not quite relaxed or comfortable, but I really need to lay down and fall asleep or I'm going to die tomorrow.

I work 10-8 tomorrow, 10-8 Wednesday, 7-4 Thur, 7-4 Fri, then 2-CL on Christmas. Sigh... gonna hate it, I know.

I need to plan out what I want to eat for dinner and snacks Christmas and Christmas Eve, but since I work so much I feel like I have no time to plan anything.

God I hate my Macs keyboard.

That's it, goodnight.

189 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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