
Writing Photography Rambling

December 21, 2011 1:21PM

How Could You Be So Cruel

I had nightmares last night... a very odd nightmare that was probably a combination and manifestation of a wide variety of thoughts and feelings, but it took place in Grey St. and with Michelle I think, but she hated me and was really mean, and I remember feeling really... hurt. There were other people there... Jon from work... and I was asked to make eggs for some reason... it was fucked up. It didn't leave me feeling very good, not at all.

I had lunch.. a disgusting lunch mind you, Kraft Dinner, once I was up. I slept from 1am last night until 11:30am today, which is a decent sleep I guess hah, but I'm still feeling pretty weird. I've taken a couple Xanax and a T3 in preparation for my dentist visit that is happening in less than an hour. I'm going to be taking a cab there to eliminate travel time and being out in the public. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going for, as I was kind of drugged up the last visit, but I think it's something on the same tooth as the root canal or the tooth beside and it would've been too difficult to do it at the time due to the root canal being fresh... yeah I don't know. I think I'm just going for a filling, and thus assume it won't be too bad, and should be fairly quick.

I have to go to work afterward now, which is kind of shitty mainly because of the drugs I've taken, I'll be kind of out of it probably, and that never works well at work. I have Thursday and Friday off and I need to somehow snap myself out of this state I've been in, it's not quite low, not quite high, just... some numb place in the middle. It's familiar... I know where I'm heading, and I have specific thoughts running through my head that tend to happen once and awhile... ah well.

I'll be writing again later hopefully, after work. I'll write about how the dentist went and how work was afterward.

352 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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