
Writing Photography Rambling

January 03, 2011 11:19PM

A Return to Routine

It's been nearly half a month... eighteen days of unstructured life, no routine, and tomorrow it ends and a new routine will begin. I think that getting back to a structured, predictable routine will only help me feel better and more stable, and I look forward to it, allthough I can admit it will take a little bit to get used to it again, it should be very nice once I do!

I used today as a day to prepare for the return as best I could, and I managed to get quite a bit done, which felt good. I went to the grocery store first thing, buying what I needed for lunches and breakfasts before school, which is pretty damn important. They didn't have any meat in stock besides a few things of ground beef and a couple pork tenderloins, so I just grabbed one pork tenderloin for dinner tonight, so I'll have to go back soon to stock up on dinners for during the week, however I've got lunch food for tomorrow and I can have spaghetti for dinner. After I got home from the grocery store, I cleaned out the kitty litter, and then cleaned out the fridge, and did all the dishes from the cleaning. Once the kitchen was clean, I did a load of laundry, and decided it was time to take a break.

I played WoW for a bit, deciding to play my Death Knight, learning to play as frost dps, and it was a lot of fun, I ended up getting the hang of it, and did a dungeon and topped the meters the entire time, at one point hitting 14k dps in an aoe fight, which at level 82 is pretty damn high.

Around 5:00pm, I started getting dinner ready, which was breaded pork tenderloin pounded down, mashed potatoes and green beans and carrots. I timed it so it would just be about ready when Michelle got home from work, and we watched Mythbusters while we ate it.

After dinner, I did the dishes, made coffee, and then relaxed for the night listening to music, the geekbox, and playing WoW, questing on my DK and doing dungeons (and discovering dungeon entrances -.-).

Tomorrow is the first day of second semester of school, and I think I'm as ready for it as I can be, my computer still works, I have food, and I still know how to program, so I think we're good to go. I have school until 12pm tomorrow, which is kind of a pain because there is no break to eat lunch at school, and I won't get home until 1:00 or 1:30, so it'll be a late lunch, so I just gotta bring a big snack that's easy to eat... I'm planning on bringing an apple or two tomorrow, but in the future I may need to bring some crackers or something like that, that will provide a more substantial snack.

I've been really into Trivium these last couple days... I've had their albums forever, and randomly listened to a song here and there, but never really sat down and listened to them, but I threw them on at work and loved it, and so for the last couple days I've just been listening to the albums and it's so good! Great metal... I also listened to a bit of Killswitch, In Flames and Grim Reaper... so you could say I've been into metal for the last little bit, and I'm in the mood to discover more.

I may be raiding tomorrow after dinner, from 8:30pm to 11:30pm, which actually works out great since 11:30pm is about the time I have to go to bed, but it all depends on the people I'm raiding with. I said I'd help out this team, I don't know them that well, and I'm not 100% that they're good enough to raid with (that sounds elitist, but.. come on.. I'm good). We'll see how it goes... if it's really fun, I may stick with them and get into it... it'd only be Tuesdays and Sundays, and that's kinda perfect for me.

Having to actually go to sleep at specific times is going to be hard to get used to I think, cause I'm sitting here and I just want to write more or play more WoW, and I really should go to sleep. I took a sleeping pill, and I'm starting to feel it, and I also have a slight nagging headache, which makes being awake kind of suck, but I dunno, I don't want to go to sleep.

Anyway, I guess I should go, gotta figure out what music I want to fall asleep to, and then try to fall asleep fast! I'll write about my first day tomorrow, and until then, I'm outta here.

801 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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