
Writing Photography Rambling

March 21, 2007 6:11PM

It's so god damn grey

These bleak, lonely, dull grey skies do nothing to infuse me with energy and hope, rather they seem to suck energy and comfort out of me at such a rate it's dangerous. I try to get up early and be energetic, to clean up, to feel good, but I just find myself cold, lonely and completely apathetic. I know that it's because of these stupid dark days, and I'm trying real hard for it not to affect me but I just feel the coldness in my bones and I can't help but feel lazy and blah. Fuck you grey skies, fuck you in the tender clouds.

I woke up early this morning, around 5:30am or something, and I actually felt pretty rested and awake, something that I haven't felt for a long time (and something that obviously didn't last for long today). I went into the living room and turned on Final Fantasy XII, as I played it last night for a bit and actually made some progress in the story. I was right before the last area, and there were two Espers left to get (Chaos and Ultima) and three hunts, and I had a hard time deciding whether or not it was worth going to the trouble of collecting those last things or if I should just beat the game and get it over with. It took awhile to decide but considering the rewards for collecting those final things was near nothing (besides the ability to claim I mastered the game) I just decided to beat the game before I lost my motivation to do so. I had an easy time with the boss, never really came close to dying (but I was pretty over leveled having done close to everything in the game) and the ending was enjoyable and on par with the rest of the story. I have many complaints about the game, but I don't really want to get into them right now, and probably never will, but it was a good game even though I stopped playing near the end. I played for a full 91 hours before I stopped playing because I was kinda bored, so that tells you right there that it was good. The fact that I could go back to it and still have fun beating it after not playing for months also shows that it was good. While the character development and story could have been better, it was worthy of the Final Fantasy name.

This morning and early afternoon I sat down and played Return to Castle Wolfenstein for many an hour, and I actually got through most of the game. It's a pretty decent game, but it used to be a lot cooler. It's aged somewhat poorly, especially since I look for more of a tactical aspect in my FPS after playing Brothers in Arms to death, but since I've played the game tons of times back on PC, I can still run through the game with relative ease and win. I'm just trying to quickly beat it so I can say that it's beat, and then I don't have to worry about it. I'll probably play some more tonight or again tomorrow and complete it.

I also watched an episode of Friends and Mythbusters and while watching TV I was building up in Final Fantasy 6, as I'm trying to get everyone to maxed stats (128 str/mag) and get them to level 99, then beat the game, then do the Dragon's Den and claim mastered'd! I've played the game so much that I can do it all with my eyes closed (minus the Dragon's Den which is new in the GBA version).

Stupid grey skies make me not want to cook supper, but I'm pretty sure Michelle won't make anything. She says she'll only make spaghetti because it's less work than say, chicken, but that's not true. Spaghetti = water, veggies, tomatoes, pasta sauce, mushrooms, garlic bread, break the spaghetti, stir. Chicken = chicken in tinfoil, veggies, peel potatoes. DONE. LESS WORK! Suck on that! haha

Oh man, I need sunlight!

680 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


March 22, 2007

You're just jealous of my mad spaghetti skillz! I guess chicken isn't that hard, maybe because it takes so long I don't wanna make it..

ps; someone took my chair today, so I in turn, took someone elses. WHOO!

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