
Writing Photography Rambling

March 15, 2011 12:10AM

Sleepy Time

Had a pretty good day, although I slept in quite late, and had a really difficult time waking up, and the first thing I always think is, "I don't have to go to school today..." but I fought it today, as much as I didn't want to, I got up, and had an hour to get ready and leave (yes that's right, I got up at 12:55pm). I stayed up way too late last night, I was almost awake for 22 hours, so that's why I slept so late.

School was fine, Java and C++ are decent enough classes. It was fairly uneventful, and Calen gave me a ride home.

Once home, I made spaghetti, garlic bread and caesar salad for dinner, and had some cadbury mini-eggs and coffee for dessert. After dinner, Michelle and I did quests in WoW, and eventually I did a quick raid to kill Al'Akir.

After games, I had a bath and then worked on a school project... I have to make a minimum five-page website on any topic I want, and that's why I've been putting it off. I hate having complete open ended freedom, I'd much rather they assign a topic and strict requirements, and I'd kick the crap out of a project like that, but when they're just like, "Make a website on anything at all" I'm just like.... uhhh, yeah, okay, I'll do it on this, no this, no this. I finally sat down and did the layout, so now I just need to write the content. I'm going to be creating it about the various programming projects.

Tomorrow I've got C++ and then workplace behaviours, where I have to hand in a group project that no one else has really done any work on. It's kind of annoying, and everyone in the group has to sign the project before we hand it in, but I've never even met any of these people, so I'm just going to send out one last email in class and hand it in at the end of class, so I don't have to worry about it.

After school, Julie is picking me up and we're going for lunch with Mel and Darren, we try to do it every week but doesn't always work out, but it's pretty much the only time I see friends. I haven't even done anything with Ben for weeks, so I feel kind of isolated sometimes. After lunch, Julie will drop me off at home, cause she's going to look at an apartment... she was originally going to come over and watch SNL before we went to WHMIS training, but I don't think that's happening anymore. As I said, I have WHMIS training at 6pm, and hopefully it's not long because not only do I not want to be at work at all, I have to raid at 8:30pm, and I don't want to be late on a Tuesday.

I really should head to bed now so I'm not super tired tomorrow, so I'll end this now.

534 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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