
Writing Photography Rambling

March 15, 2012 11:52PM

Staring Straight Back At Me

Today was an interesting day, in that it was a mix of things, mainly positive, and while I generally feel at rest, I get flashes of anxiety that don't stick around very long. I've spent the majority of my time home reading, and it's been supremely satisfying.

Work today: I opened, so that means starting at 6am. I woke up at 5:15... I have faint memories of sleeping through my alarm clock and waking to phone's back-up alarm. I woke up and had a bowl of cereal and chugged a cup of coffee... quickly running out of time to wake up and get ready. I called a cab and brushed my teeth, before I knew it the car was outside and I couldn't even say goodbye to a one wonderful bekkidybutton.

I arrived at work on time, and easily put out the continental breakfast, serving about fifty people from 7am to 10am, all the while working away in the kitchen. I was alone for four hours, which is awesome. While breakfast was out and I was replenishing, I also made a very nice batch of butternut and pear soup (it was so good, I would've had a bowl myself... it could've used some onion powder, more thyme and maybe garlic powder, but I use what I've got). I also baked off a bunch of bakery for the next day, rolled a shit load of bacon to have for easy access in the fridge. Basically the point I'm trying to get across is that I did a lot of work in a short amount of time and it wasn't stressful.

At lunch I had to go down to the CVG to make sandwiches, and while I was dreading it up until I got down there, it wasn't so bad, and the time went fairly quickly. I went back up to Windermere at 12:50pm, and signed out for 1:00pm and walked to the bus stop.

The trip home was fine... it was difficult to stay awake on the bus, but I managed, and when I was downtown waiting for the Southcrest to get home, Bekki came and met me at the stop as she was down the street waiting for a hair appointment. It was nice to see her, and shortly after I caught the bus home.

Once home, I decided to go to the grocery store to get a few things that I needed, including some cans of tomatoes. When I got home, I put on the tomatoes to cook, cleaned up the house and had a caesar salad and spaghetti with the fresh tomatoes on top. It was really good, really, really good.

After dinner - I think - I passed the shit out. I tried reading a bit, but was too tired. I went and laid down and slept for an hour or so, waking up to an alarm, at which point I had a snack, and continued reading for a couple hours. I read, and read some more, eventually running a bath, and then read a bit more. I eventually decided to watch some TV and write, which is what I'm doing now.

I feel pretty good... it was extremely relaxing, mentally anyway, reading and listening to thunder crash outside, the flash of lightning coming through the windows. Kairi laid beside me most of the evening, and I just sat or laid on the couch reading Game of Thrones.

I work tomorrow at 1pm and will be getting a ride. I work until 9pm or later, and have to open the next day, so that might suck, and I will most likely have to go to sleep as soon as I get home, or take a sleeping pill at least. I do like opening, if only it were free... paying for a cab adds up, and opening three times this week is $45 minimum. Ah well... whatcha gonna do.

I plan to stay up for a bit longer, read a bit more, and maybe watch some TV. I hope I can go to sleep feeling good and relaxed and not anxious, and so far so good. Just gotta keep this up.

Edit - 1:21am

For the record, I finished Game of Thrones tonight! Exciting!

704 words

No Tags
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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