
Writing Photography Rambling

March 17, 2012 9:19PM

Faces... In The Crowd

I wish I had more time because there is so much I want to do. I want to read forever, and not worry about anything. I want to play all my games, and create countless websites and projects that will enhance my life. I want to spend time with those I love and not worry about what time I have to got bed, or what time I have to wake up, or when I'll be getting home from work. So much planning around limited time, it's getting tiresome.

I want to create a new website, that would be essentially my already existing and established Games website but centered around books, and your book collection... how many of your books you've read, which books you are currently reading, and then various stats about your collection... I think it would be a lot of fun and encourage regular reading.

I started reading A Clash of Kings, the sequel to A Game of Thrones, and the second book in the series, and I'm already super excited about it. I read the prologue (which was 32 pages or something) and the first chapter, and it was so fun to read, to continue to explore the world set up by the first book and then reinforced and brought to life by the series on HBO. I wish I could sit down on the couch and just read until my body ached and I couldn't read any more.

I'm also 2/3rds of the way through Wildwood, the Colin Meloy book I've been reading. It's very good, very very good, and it's nice to alternate between a Song of Ice and Fire and it, because it's aimed at a more younger audience generally, so the writing is less intense, less serious and while it's not comedy or anything, it just feels more light hearted, so while A Song of Ice and Fire can be thrilling, intense and heavy, switching to Wildwood is like a relaxing breath of fresh air.

Work was stupid easy today, as all breakfast shifts are. I worked at 6am and had to get together a charity church breakfast... it's just a ton of sausage and scrambled eggs. I got that stuff ready, as well as continental and soups and quiche for the cafe. I put away the GFS order, the produce order, and spent the day getting everything for brunch and tomorrow's continental breakfast. I left a few minutes early, at 1:15pm, and took the bus home.

There were whore's everywhere, people who can only feel good about themselves if they look like they're about to start in a porn video, just so that maybe some brainless sex obsessed young man might objectify them, mainly because it was St. Patrick's day. The bus ride home was interesting to say the least, and once home I read a little bit but then laid down to have a nap.

I napped for a bit, but woke up and made spaghetti for dinner. I read some more, played some SSX and eventually had bath. After my bath, I read more, and then decided to write this. I took a sleeping pill over an hour ago (at 8pm) in an attempt to fall asleep around 10:30pm or 11pm at the latest, because I have to open again tomorrow. I'm watching some movie I've never heard of, and will be going to sleep soon enough.

566 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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