
Writing Photography Rambling

October 11, 2011 12:03AM


Writing is the time of day I enjoy the most I think. I sit down and I can kind of exist in a sort of limbo where I float around in my brain and can let go of reality and sit on the living room floor and just... write.

Today was Thanksgiving and while I'm still sick, it was enjoyable to go through the process of cooking a large meal, as I generally only cook for two, or more lately just myself, so having the chance to cook for a group of people is a slightly different experience. I am still sick, and this did hurt my level of enjoyment or comfort during the day, and especially during that previous night.

Sickness is always worse at night, for whatever reasons... I'm sure there are some scientific explanations as to the reason it happens to be that way, but I'm fine just knowing it's true. Falling asleep is okay... I think... it's kind of difficult to remember, these last few days kind of blur together, but I think I fell asleep easily, but I got very hot... sweaty, rolled around a lot, tossed and turned, ended up waking up every few hours, feeling super thirsty and agitated. I would get up, drink some cough syrup (which I used up in the middle of the night) and at the worst part of the night, my ability to swallow became so poor that I thought I was going to vomit every time I attempted to do so.

I went to bed at 10:30pm last night, and I woke up this morning at 10:30am (well... I woke up a lot, but this was the time I decided to finally get out of bed) and that was a twelve hour sleep. It was difficult to get up at first, I felt groggy, I felt sick, I felt heavy and shitty, but I woke up slowly... I made coffee and toast, and sat at the computer as I started to feel a bit better, a bit more awake.

After working for twenty four hours over the weekend, the house was a mess, I had lots of dishes, dirty kitty litter, everything just felt messy and disheveled. While I ate my breakfast, I wrote a to-do list, as I usually do, but I made a slightly larger than normal one... I was having people in my house today, people who'd never been even, so having the place in a state I could feel good about was important to me, and even though I was feeling sick and sluggish, I was pretty determined to find the energy to do such things.

From about 11:00am to 2:00pm I cleaned and cleaned, going down my list and getting the house ready to have people over. I did all the dishes and wiped down all the counters and stove top, and tidied all the rooms, dusted a bit, all the typical stuff you'd do. It did feel good to go through and clean everything and get the place as comforting as I can imagine.

My Mom and her friend Paul arrived around 2:00pm, and she brought all the food necessary for the dinner, so I could start preparing dinner. I made turkey in my grandpa's roaster oven, made stuffing, cauliflower, baby carrots and brussel sprouts for vegetables, roasted red skin potatoes and made Bailey's white and dark chocolate mousse. Around 3:45pm, my Sister and her boyfriend Chris came over and by 4:00pm or so dinner was ready and we all ate. I think everyone enjoyed it, as it can be difficult to tell, mainly because I know everyone would say they enjoyed it even if it was terrible, but it all tasted good as far as i could tell, but with my cold, I can't taste much, a lot of it is lost and that kind of sucks. This was probably the largest family dinner we've had in years, with five people, but it went well, and I had no issues getting it all ready.

After everyone left, I tried playing Disgaea 4 but I found my cold made it too uncomfortable and distracting to play, so I just ran a bath, watched Boardwalk Empire, and then Bored to Death, and then The Social Network. It''s not about midnight, and I need to go to sleep soon. I hope tonight isn't a terrible night like the last few, and I hope I don't feel like complete shit tomorrow.

746 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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