
Writing Photography Rambling

March 19, 2012 12:56AM

Yard Work 2: The Workening

Today was very interesting, very uncharacteristically me. I swallowed my fear (no homo) and did something that would normally make me uncomfortable. What may seem terribly normal to others, I felt nervous and awkward about, but I did it anyway, and it made me feel good... yes, that's right, I worked in the backyard. Yes, for the first time in the two and a half years I've lived here, I stepped foot into the backyard. Ah, but I feel as though I'm getting ahead of myself, I suppose I should start at the beginning of the day.

I woke up at 6am, pretty alert as I had gone to sleep so early the night before, at 9:30pm. I jumped up, made some breakfast (toast and coffee) and sent a text to Allen, who failed to respond. I sat around a bit until around 6:45 when I still had no response from him, so I called a cab and went to work. It was a tad frustrating but I wasn't too upset, maybe I was too tired to be upset, or have just got so used to wasting/spending money on trips to work. You see, the day before I had got everything imaginable ready for continental and brunch for today, so there really wasn't anything to do. Allen showed up about a half hour late, but it wasn't an issue. I had breakfast out fifteen minutes early, and kinda stood around a bit while we waited for brunch to be put out.

It always feels terribly awkward or almost guilt ridden when I work less than I normally do at work. There is a fair share of people at work who do less than me... try less than me, and get less done, and yet when I work at their pace, or do just the minimum, or even more than the minimum and just don't do as much as I know I'm capable of, I feel wrong, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I felt that a lot today, even though if I was just worse at my job, I would've had work to do to keep me busy. Regardless, I still got breakfast set up for the next day, as well as everything for a sandwich lunch besides the sandwiches themselves. We stayed on top of all the replenishing, got a day ahead, and did a majority of cafe line prep, which isn't exactly our job at all, and it still left me with time to eat lunch, and take a break, and just... not work non-stop for the entire time. Anyway, Julie came in to work at 2pm, and let Al and myself leave early, and I caught a ride home.

Once home, Bekki and I had talked about cleaning up the yard... like really cleaning it up. It has stood as an unkempt lawn for as long as I remember, it had never stood out as anything attractive or worth a second glance, but we want to start a nice garden, and to go along with that, it would be nice to have a nice lawn and backyard to do it in, and so the first step for that large goal is to rake the lawn and collect all the leaves, twigs, branches and various debris. From my porch, the backyard looked messy but not terrible, but as I got closer, it was a lot more than I had originally thought. I was alone, and put the new Comedy Button on my phone, along with Against All Authority, and while Bekki was on her way over, I spent about an hour or two, and about two or three beers working on the backyard, raking a large portion of it, immediately forming blisters and making my hands terribly sore.

Bekki showed up around 4pm with some more beer, and she took over raking duties as I tried to shove the leaves and shit into bags... We took a small break at about 4:45pm or so. I sat down and made a list of some ideas for lunches that Bekki could take to school, because she has trouble coming up with creative or tasty things, and ends up spending more money on shitty food from Tim's and what not, so I wrote a small menu type thing, then turned that into a shopping list, and we walked to No Frills and got everything we needed for five nice lunches, and it was about $51. Once we got back from the store, I put in a lasagna for dinner, and we went back out to the yard and finished up getting the leaves into the bags. It was weird... spending the afternoon outside was different, and spending time working on personal projects outside, with Bekki, and laughing and listening to music and having a few drinks... it was really awesome. Really fun, really great... I loved it. I loved all of it. It felt amazing, great, super... awesome. Dinner was ready before we knew it, and we sat down to eat.

We watched Game of Thrones with dinner, the last episode, the end of season one. It was great to watch, and made me even more excited to watch the new season and read my book! After dinner, Bekki and I planned our week (more or less, I'm sure it'll change but we've got an idea at least) and then I started playing SSX as she worked on school stuff. I played for quite a bit, eventually running a bath, coming back out, playing some more, and finally deciding to write.

I'm off tomorrow, and I bet I'm gonna be sore, but ah well, maybe it'll be a good sore. We're planning on breakfast with the Julie, the Mel and the Darren, and after that... I'm gonna clean, grocery store and laundry. Exciting yeah? I guess I don't really have anything else to talk about. I'd like to figure out when I'm going to finish the yard, but I get the feeling it may not be for a little while.. ah well. Such is life.

1014 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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