
Writing Photography Rambling

March 19, 2013 12:31AM

I can't sleep

I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep. I'm laying there... a giant ball of hyper active energy. I feel like my soul is vibrating and my mind is racing and I can't stop my racing thoughts, I can't sleep.

I've been playing World of Warcraft a lot lately (well... a lot relative to whats happening in my life right now... with school and work, it doesn't leave much leisure time, but when I do have down time, I've been choosing WoW over other forms of entertainment). I didn't think I'd ever go back but I think I just needed some time off... Cataclysm raiding really burnt me out on the game, and it was quite grindy... not a lot to do, but Mists of Panderia has way more to do and I'm not raiding, so it's like... a pressure free, play at my own pace kind of experience. I'm desperate for someone to play with though, like... a consistent companion to quest with and experience content with and kind of really get into the game with... someone to fall down the rabbit hole with. Everyone I've talked to says they'd like to but can't right now due to whatever, so I'm left alone... and for the most part its fun, but I know for a fact how much more fun the game is with a trusted friend there to run dungeons with and breeze through quests with.

I'm laying in bed and thinking about WoW... about the people I've known and the experiences I've had, and then I'll think about my school projects and plan those in my head, and then switch back to WoW and then think about what to eat tomorrow, and then work, and then WoW again and it just is too much and I toss and turn and can't get comfortable and I just had to get up.

I have a lot on my mind... I'm not too stressed right now but I seem to be hyper-active.. just... super, super HYPER.

I just want my eyes to get tired so I can go lay down and try to sleep once more.

357 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I worked at Windermere

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