
Writing Photography Rambling

August 04, 2005 12:00AM

dont lie

Today was a pretty bad day if I do say so myself; nothing seemed to go right at all, just one thing after another made it worse and worse. For the first time in forever I took my Olanzapine AND Lithium, and as a result, I slept until 3pm today.

So All Request Geoff tuesdays are confirmed and start next week, thanks to Geoff and myself talking to Matt about it. I'm pretty excited about that, and I think tuesdays are going to start to be my favorite nights and Geoff is super excited about it as well, so that should make it even more fun. Next week I'm making him play My Humps by Black Eyed Peas, and some Tears for Fears; it should be good fun.

I pretty much alternated between falling asleep and playing various games (Halo 2, Makai Kingdom, Double Dash) until around 8:00pm. Linzie messaged me and told me she'd meet me at Dissent, so I didn't have to wait for her at my place, so I messaged Mark and told him I was coming over. I like that he lives five seconds away now haha. So I went over there to hang with Anne and Mark, and we drank this honey beer stuff that's gross and watched the first season of Invader Zim for the billionth time (for me anyway), and eventually headed back to my place around 9:00, so I could get a least a little pretty and dressed and stuff, then we left for the dissent for the normal punk/psychobilly night.

The whole night was pretty lame... said hi to Geoff and Matt, bought one beer, and basically floated in and out of sleep I sat there, while everyone talked around me. Michelle gave me the silent treatment the whole night, Anne spent most of the time outside smoking with her friends, and I was too tired to do much else. That's pretty much the night wrapped up. Instead of sleeping over, Linzie went home because she wasn't feeling well, and it was probably better that way since I wasn't in a good mood.

Now I'm all alone and am only being kept company by words on my screen, and that's upsetting. I had my bath and it helped with the sweat but not the sorrow. *makes dramatic motions*

I'll probably keep talking on MSN until the conversation dies away and then lay down and pretend i can get to sleep till I fall asleep by accident. *waves to marle has she jumps by* work tomorrow... *sigh* night.

425 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Stream


January 01, 2000
I hate those kind of days yes I have them too. i just never take it out on other people(just kidding.) I hope you have a good day today at work. You probably will because I am here.

January 01, 2000
im sorry:)

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