
Writing Photography Rambling

July 27, 2011 12:42AM

I Had Something Clever to Write

I don't think that I'm going to be writing as much tonight, as I'm feeling pretty mentally drained.

Work today was pretty relaxed as expected, I went in for 8am and once I got there I got the soups and quiche done, and pretty much got lunch ready for the cafe, like the pasta bar and all that. I spent any of the free time I had prepping various things, like tomato sauce, beef stock, potato salad, greek salad and cleaning up the kitchen after everyone.

Work was over pretty quickly and Julie gave me a ride home. Once home I started to feel kind of sick, and it only got worse as time went on. It wasn't quite a headache, but there was something bad going on in my brain, and I started to feel sick to my stomache. I felt like I had... motion sickness... as happens from time to time, as I've mentioned before. It was actually pretty terrible, in that I couldn't even sit at the computer and feel at rest. It was only making me feel more sick, although I did try to play some games and stuff... I played some Defense Grid and a few other things, but eventually I gave up, I just felt so sick that going to sleep was the only option.

I laid down on the couch with The Morning Stream playing on my phone beside me. I think I slept for like two hours or something, and I woke up feeling a bit more rested, and a little bit less sick, so I guess it worked out.

Once I was up, I played a bit more Defense Grid, and some Ratchet and Clank, eventually leading up to... well, about now. I made some popcorn and put on Studio 60, and started writing. I don't have much else planned for tonight.

Tomorrow I'm going to get up, have a nice breakfast, and go to the grocery store for a very limited number of things that I want to get, and I'll try to make a to-do list to live my day by. I've got tomorrow and Thursday off, and while I don't really feel good right now, I'm hoping that I feel good and relaxed the next two days.

Today I listened to the new Wye Oak album Civilian three times, once on the way to work, once on the way home from work, and once while I was playing Defense Grid. I've also been enjoying the new self-titled Bon Iver album a lot, I listen to it almost every night as I go to sleep.

The weather was pretty nice today, it was actually a tolerable. Instead of an intense 40 degrees or something, it was actually just high 20's, like 27 or something, and tonight it's actually cool. Kind of a nice break really, although it's almost too chilly to sit beside the open window... luckily I'm in the living room and it's just comfortable.

Yeah, I realize my writing is a bit sporadic... it's a reflection of my state of mind right now. I want to write but there just isn't an endless stream of thoughts going through my head like normal. I can feel words in my finger tips but when I go to type something, I stutter... I stall... nothing comes out. I guess that's alright though, considering I wrote 1500 words last night... I can't really expect to do that every night.

I really wish there were more seasons of Studio 60... it was such a good, well written show, with interesting and relatable characters, at least for me. It had wonderful romance, very interesting and thought provoking social commentary, and it was just so intelligently written, it's awesome to watch again. I realize that the West Wing is very similiar, and watching Studio 60 does kind of make me want to watch the West Wing again, but something about the political setting isn't really interesting me at the moment, and if I did decide to watch it, I would want to buy the entire series on DVD or whatever, and I probably can't really afford that right now. I will be sad once I'm through the Studio 60 series, but I'm enjoying the time spent watching it, so it's all good.

I guess I should stop dragging this out, as I'm quickly running out of things to write about.

729 words

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