
Writing Photography Rambling

October 23, 2011 11:54PM

Truth In Discomfort

I don't know why but I got home today and just ruined a perfectly good dinner. I don't know what went through my head or why I decided to do it, but the simple action of salting the water for my spaghetti just totally screwed up the dinner. I never salt the water... I love the spaghetti dinner I make, I don't know why I thought to do it... why fix something that isn't broken? Anyway, it ended up salty and tasting different and I didn't enjoy it at all, not a little bit.

I woke up at 6:00am and had to go in to work for 7am. Julie and Connor picked me up.... work was pretty standard today. Very busy continental (about 100 people) and then a normal brunch... I spent the afternoon getting a dinner buffet wedding ready, and was out of there by 3:30pm, and Connor gave me a ride.

We stopped off at the grocery store and I picked up some kitty litter and popcorn, as I haven't had either for a little while, so that was nice.

Besides the half hour I spent making and eating dinner (and watching Star Trek: Voyager) I spent the entire evening working on my database case study, which I'm almost done. I just need to think of a few views, and then write the report that goes along with my case study (which should be pretty easy), I just have limited time because I work tomorrow afternoon, so I pretty much need to finish it while at school. I think I'm doing a good job with it, but it's difficult to tell with that class.

I have to wake up around 7am tomorrow, and then I've got to leave for school by 8am, so an early day, and then I work from 2pm to 9pm or so, so yeah, it's gonna be a long day, and I have a lot of school work I should be doing, so I hope I don't just go completely crazy. Bed soon!

338 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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