
Writing Photography Rambling

October 24, 2011 11:38PM

Subtle Complaints

What's that? I should complain a bit more? Sure! My hands hurt... I somehow have nicks and cuts all over them, and they sting constantly and when I have a bath they hurt more, and when I cut things at work and either fruit juice or potato liquid or anything really, it just hurts the fuck out of me. I have a headache and I'm uncomfortable, I had school and worked all night, and I have a midterm tomorrow and I don't have time to study... well, the time I do have... I can't concentrate because of my headache.

Okay, so I got some of the complaining out of the way, and kind of paints a picture as to how my evening's going. I'm not really enjoying this writing so much tonight... the headache thing.

I woke up the sound of rain this morning, which on days off is a nice, wonderful and relaxing sound, but on days where I have to leave the house, it's unpleasant and makes it really hard to leave. I had only once piece of bread, so I had that, a coffee and then ate two apple sauces, as being hungry at school is the worst feeling ever. I left for school at 8am to get to school for 9am, sat through communications, eventually sat through C++ which was mostly review on lambda's, and then I was off to work via Calen's car.

Work should've been okay, it was a buffet down at the CVG that could easily be gotten ready, and then a buffet for 30 in the grand hall, and we had the food all ready and set to go, and right at the last second they let us know that it's gone up from 30 to 65, and they just ate and ate and ate and we kept running around to figure out food to put out. I wanted to leave early so I would have time to work on my case study and then study for the midterm, but I had to stay over an hour late and didn't get home until like 8:30pm or something. Jon gave me a ride home and I was glad to finally head home.

Once home, I was starving, so I made a chicken caesar, because it was the only real food I have pretty much, and I ate that while finishing up work on my database case study (and watching the show with ze frank)... time went by pretty fast but I finished the case study and submitted it around 9:30pm or so... it was nice to get it out of the way.

My headache was starting to really bother me, so instead of carrying on school work and studying, I ran a bath with the intention of watching a movie and studying afterward, but after my bath, I just started writing this entry and watching Super Troopers (which isn't as funny as people have made it out to be) and have yet to study... and I'm getting really tired and my head still hurts, so I may just put off and study for the one hour database class tomorrow morning... I know it's not the smart thing to do, but at the same time, at home, over-tired, and uncomfortable... I'm probably not going to remember much if I did actually study.

I've been listening to Say Anything (...Is A Real Boy) a lot lately, and I've always really enjoyed that album and his story, music, lyrics and such, but I've just been enjoying it a lot more than normal. Spidersong especially has really clicked with me for some reason... gets stuck in my head.

So tomorrow I've got to wake up at 7am so I can leave by 8am again... then I have a one hour database class, and then my mid-term, so not much time to study. After the midterm, once I stop crying for bombing it and failing out of school, I have to go to work for 1pm, which I don't really want to do but I mean, what the fuck are you gonna do? Bed soon I guess... then a wonderful terrible day.

691 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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