
Writing Photography Rambling

November 07, 2011 10:03PM


I took a long time to wake up this morning, so long in fact that I turned over and saw that I was late. It was after the time I'd have to leave to catch the bus, and I had an assignment due in my first class, so this was cause for some concern. I flew out of bed and sent a text to Calen, asking if he was still home and if I could have a ride, as it was the only way I'd make it to class in time. Luckily, he responded right away and offered the ride, so it all worked out.

First class was communications and I handed in my assignment and spent the rest of the class figuring out some of the group project crap. Afterward, we had C++ for a couple hours, but the first hour was spent completing two school surveys about the school and about our professors.

After class, Calen and I went to Wendy's for lunch, sat and ate for a bit, and eventually he drove me to work. Work was silly today... there were so many staff and so little to do. When I got there at 1:30pm, the only thing left to do was the veg and desserts for 18 people, which I got done really quickly. After that I just cleaned the fridge and freezer and was told I could go home, so home I went.

Once home, I ate some spaghetti for dinner, watched half of an episode of Voyager. After dinner I had dessert and coffee, screwed around on the computer for a bit, and eventually moved back to the living room. I played some Rocksmith for a bit, and then ran around the world of Batman: Arkham City for a half hour or so, it was fun.

I ran a bath, listened to some Morning Stream, and eventually ended up back in the living room watching Bored to Death and writing this! Not too exciting, but... I think that's for the best. It's also weird that through this entire night, this entire evening, not one person talked to me, sent me a message, a text... anything. Is this the loner I have become?

367 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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