
Writing Photography Rambling

November 13, 2011 12:37AM

Where To Begin

I don't even know where to begin, or what to write about. These last few days have been a crazy, weird, drug induced blur of strange events that blend together and seem to be in random order. I've been on a steady intake of tylenol 3's, antibiotics, xanax, advil and... that might be it. Sleeping pill sometimes too.

I couldn't tell you the order of things, the days they occurred on, and I couldn't even tell you how many days it's been since I started this medication. It's all quite disorienting, but I may as well try to write about a few of the main events that I remember.

First event I remember is seeing Julie off to work and Mathew messaging me, asking me if I felt up to going to the Skyrim release, which was at 10am (when Bestbuy/Futureshop opens). I said sure because I hadn't been out in awhile, and I wasn't entirely sure where I was, and I don't know, it sounded fun. Mathew had preordered the game twice, so i ended up just using one of his preorders and getting the game. Skyrim is a game in the Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind, Oblivion... games I always thought I should like but could never get in to for any decent amount of time.

So I'm not sure what happened between the time that I got back from being out with Calen and Mathew, I honestly don't... I think I played Skyrim a bit, but I do know that I ended up at the grocery store. I remember being disoriented, and I walked up and down the isles at least twice both ways. I had two full baskets of pretty random things, but nothing outrageous. I got things like chicken fingers, fries, pizzas, just... lots of stuff. I did manage to carry it home... again, unsure what day that was or what time.

I know that today I woke up, had soup to eat, took my pills, went back to sleep until 2pm or something, took my pills again, fell back asleep until 7:30pm or something, then I ate something... more soup I think? or.. something. I don't know. I played Skyrim for the whole time I was up since then, so a few hours. It was fun.. at first I was getting kinda frustrated, for the same reasons the older Elder Scroll games frustrated me. You get shit loads of side quests, there is no good map system, no mini-map, no easy to view objective markers... it just gets frustrating wandering around like a retard. But things started to come together and I started to find things, it was fun. I'll keep playing it and see what happens.

Work tomorrow is going to be weird. If I'm as out of it as I has been these last couple days, I foresee issues with my ability to organize time properly. oh man... kinda worried. We'll see what happens.. I think I have school work due on Sunday night and Monday too... fuck.

506 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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