
Writing Photography Rambling

November 28, 2011 12:10AM

Affliction (My)

Today turned out to be a bit of a struggle, which was surprising because the day was kind of set up to be relaxing, but my mind kind of screwed it up for me. My thoughts are racing, I feel desperate to create something but can't concentrate, I tried working on a few things and it only ended in complete frustration.

As usual, I have so much to write, so much to say, and yet my thoughts are moving to fast to grasp on to, to hold them for a second and turn them into words I could write down. It makes me feel... uncomfortable.

I'm watching Boardwalk Empire... it's enjoyable. I wish that I could write more, that I had stuff to say, because I don't feel right going to bed without writing a good amount. I'd even go for talking to someone... anyone... someone send me a message. Make it so that I don't go 24 hours without even a text message or anything.

Maybe I'll take a break from writing, and then I'll be inspired before bed and come back... yeah... maybe. We'll see.

186 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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