
Writing Photography Rambling

November 28, 2011 10:27PM

The Shortest Day, The Longest Night

I slept in today... how often have I started writing with those words? It seems I've been having quite some difficulty with the practice of sleep. I've been having difficulty becoming motivated to go to sleep, and I've been sleeping in much later than I would like, or waking up and being unbelievably tired, to the point of making poor decisions regardless of consequence.

Again this morning I wanted to wake up a bit early to take advantage of each hour of the day, maximize my productivity. I woke up twice I think, once pretty early, like 9am or something, and again at Noon. The earlier time I got up, checked my phone and quickly decided to go back to sleep, and the second time I simply just rolled over. I didn't get out of bed until 1pm, and the feeling of regret and discomfort was high.

I had decided to spend the day working on important school work and that's what I did. From the time I woke up until now, I worked on my C++ project except for a two hour break I took for dinner and played a bit of Skyrim.

The C++ project is overcomplicated for the sake of being complicated. It's not explained well and is frustrated when trying to come up with reasons why it's got to be put together the way that it is. It's difficult to explain, but I know that there could've been better ways to prove that we as students understand inheritance and polymorphism. Tomorrow I've decided to begin work on my research project on games as education tools, where I will attempt to explore my topic, and flesh out the points I want to make... essentially create an outline for me to work on Wednesday.

The last few days have been annoying, my mind has been too active, to fast. This generally only lasts less than a week, I usually have a bit of a crash, a pretty significant drop afterward, and I think I'd almost prefer that to how I feel right now. I wish I could just shut it off and go back to normalish.

I have to work tomorrow but I'm not really sure what's going on. I hope that it's nothing too busy or stressful, and that I could try to come home and work on school for a bit before having to go to sleep. I have to wake up by 7am, so I can leave by 8am... I took my sleeping pill early today, at like 8:50pm before I had my bath, so I should be tired soon and go to sleep.

I know I could've written more normally, but I'm just not feeling it right now, the magic, the spark just isn't there.

461 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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