
Writing Photography Rambling

February 12, 2012 11:13PM

Addiction Is Addicting

So this was essentially day two of my 'no caffeine challenge' and I guess technically I already failed, but in spirit I'm still going, I guess I'll explain.

I'll go into the details of the day in a little bit, first I'll simply talk about this personal challenge I've started and how it's been going. Last night it had been about 24 hours without caffeine and I was getting a pretty significant headache, not a migraine, nothing too severe, but it was there, and it was effecting my ability to relax and feel comfortable. The second day of the challenge - today - was much worse... and I can't say with certainty that it was the lack of caffeine that caused it... it could've been the lack of sleep, the weather or just random, but I got the worst migraine today. I started off okay, but at work a migraine started hitting me quite quickly, and by 11am I was in agony, barely able to walk quickly, barely able to concentrate or perform. I ended up leaving about two hours early because I could, but also because I was a useless ball of shit. When I got home, I immediately napped.

I laid down and slipped in and out of sleep, having difficulty finding a comfortable position to put my head, as it seemed any way I placed my head on the pillow resulted in terrible pain through my brain. Pain in my eyes, sharp pains through the left of my brain, stiff and sore neck and shoulder muscles, it was so bad.

Was this the result of no coffee and no coke? Maybe... I mean I get migraines sometimes, so it's impossible to tell for sure. Bekki and I ended up ordering pizza for dinner, and under false intelligence I was informed that root beer didn't have caffeine in it (I think I believed it really easily because I wanted to haha) so once it arrived, I realized it had caffeine in it and drank it anyway. I realized I was kind of giving up and failing my challenge, but I needed to drink it with my pizza, I HAD TO, and I would've drank something caffeine free if I had ordered it, but ah well.

So, this leads me to the question... well, a few questions actually. First of all, do I continue the challenge even though I gave in and drank a root beer with dinner? Does that defeat the purpose? Secondly, why am I even attempting this challenge? Okay so... let's see... I guess underneath it all, I just wanted to prove to myself that I could, for no reason other than I wanted to, period. It's not for health reasons, and not even really for sleeping easier, or anything like that. I suppose I've heard people say they've felt a lot better when they cut caffeine and sugars out of their diet, and I was interested to see if it was true. I suppose I'm more interested in cutting down on Coke, rather than coffee, and that's generally because coffee is more socially accepted as a drink that people consume crazy amounts of. If you go and tell someone, anyone really, that you had three or four cups of coffee, they wouldn't even blink an eye, that's considered normal, or acceptable, but alternatively if you tell someone you drank two or three cokes in a day, some would say it's too much or unbelievable, even though it contains only 15% of the caffeine of a coffee.

I suppose what it comes down to was that I was just curious if I could do it, and in the process I cut out things that I included while I drank the caffeine, like I stopped eating chips, and desserts, and... yeah, it just completely changed my entire daily habits, and I think it was too much change all at once. I may give up the challenge, but try to make changes to my existing habits, to reduce slowly over time and see what happens.

Not much to write about as far as my day today... I went in at 7am and put out the continental for 75 people or so, but they ate so much food, probably about what 150 would eat. Afterward, Kyle and I got brunch out, and I spent pretty much the entire time there just managing it and replenishing it. By 1pm, there was enough staff in that I just asked Josh if he was fine for dinner service, and told him I was leaving. I called a cab, and staggered out to the car like a weak piece of shit. I felt like my head was going to explode... eventually got home, and napped until around 3:30pm, when Bekki and I got some pizza, watched TV... I helped her study and the night went by fairly quickly.

Tomorrow I've got work at 7am until 3pm again, and I'm hoping I don't have another headache or migraine, as that would be terribly shitty, as Bekki is treating me to a Valentine's day surprise dinner thingy that I don't really know much about, beyond that she's coming over at 7pm or so, and is making me dinner, or at least bringing all the stuff and I'll be helping her make dinner.

I'm going to be going to sleep in a few minutes, and I think I may just have a coffee in the morning, I've yet to decide. Maybe not... maybe I'll keep this challenge going until I just can't stand it anymore (or at least until I can go to the store).

935 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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