
Writing Photography Rambling

November 26, 2010 11:54PM

Car Accident To The Face!

Yeah I just closed my browser without thinking about it and erased like, two paragraphs of text.

I've been having difficulty redesigning the backend of this website recently, I've been trying to recreate it in a completely object oriented design, but I've been having a lot of trouble visualizing it in my head, or even on paper, but I've been having a lot of issues with concentration in the last couple of weeks. Even now, I'm rewriting the same lines of text twice in a row and shit, and having to backspace.

I slept in today and woke up late, around 9:30 or so, and pretty much just layed on the couch the entire day. I was depressed, I was completely spiritless, I was down, crushed, slow, lazy, low. I watched Jimmy Fallon with breakfast, which was awesome, I put on some movies, specifically I watched My Name Is Bruce which is this awesome Bruce Cambell movie. I also watched half of the Hangover because I love it and it's funny. While the movies were on or whatever, I slowly worked away at some of the website stuff, I actually made a bit of progress by working on the user class, which handles logging in beautifully, I simply create an instance of a user object, and then call user.login() and bam, if the user has the login information stored in cookies, it checks that, and it also checks to see if someone submitted a login form and tries to login with that if it exists... yeah, you don't care, but it helps to type it out because it might give me ideas.

Work was at 4pm, I was late because of Western students and how retarded they are. The bus was full, and at every bus stop, we'd sit there for five minutes as people were told to move to the back, like, each time it was this brand new concept that no one understood... herp? what? What back? you want me to move? to the back? What? So, that goes on and on at every stop, and I eventually get to work at 4:15pm, and it was kind of weird because there was two new people that were hired this previous week that I had never met, so it was weird going in there with them already working.

It wasn't that stupid or anything at work, it was a Gala 3, which is a lot of work, but luckily it was pretty much all done when I got there, I just had to make a shrimp and mussel plater, pastry display and that was about it. I ran crap over to the cafe a lot and made a couple pastas, but the truth of the matter is that I didn't do too much work, and I was feeling kind of caught off guard, and weird and I just felt off.

I don't really want to talk about it but Tom gave me and Jeff a ride home in his awesome Cadilac, but we got in an accident at Macs Milk right beside the university and Tom's car is wrecked, and my back hurts a bunch, and we both had airbags blow up in our face and blerh, it was pretty shocking, and left me kind of shaken. I don't think that there's anything serious or anything, but I've been having trouble writing this entry, that's for sure, but I'm sure it'll go away. I hope Tom's okay and I hope it doesn't cost too much to fix his car.

When I got home I had a semi-hot bath (there wasn't much hot water left) to try and relax and unwind, and then watched a movie I had recorded (it was a movie network premier) called Chloe. It was pretty interesting, not bad, a good movie... it had Liam Neeson in it, and he's awesome, so... It was a movie about insecurity and what it can lead to... and throw in some thriller/sex and you get this movie.

I'm not tired but I should go to sleep... I work at 9am tomorrow, which isn't early exactly, but I still have to leave the house at 8am, still have to wake up at 7:30 at least, and it's already 12:17, regardless of what the timestamp on this entry says. It took me a long ass time to get this entry out, as when I was first starting it I couldn't even write a proper sentence without having to go back and erase it, I don't know what was wrong with me. I really wish I had a sleeping pill tonight, I wish I could've taken it two hours ago, I wish I was deleriously tired right now, and here I am, awake, and not sleepy.

I guess I should stop writing now, and maybe think about considering going to sleep soon. ish.. soonish.

Sneaky Edit @ 1:25am: It's actually snowing outside, but it's not a lot, and it's not really forming snow on the ground, so I'm not going to count it as the first snow of 2010, which I try to keep track of each year. So, it will be posted when a real snow happens.

862 words

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