
Writing Photography Rambling

April 03, 2012 12:39AM


I'm tired so let's see if I can get this entry out in a timely manner.

I more or less spent the day cleaning and feeling good about it. I woke up around 10:00am I think. In the middle of the night, I woke up with a splitting headache, like so intense that I couldn't even stay laying down, I had to get up to feel any kind of relief. So I get out of bed at like 3am, take a bunch of advil, drink a bunch of water and take a sleeping pill, as I figure the sleeping pill will be the only way to get any kind of relief (can't feel pain when you're asleep). I woke up feeling groggy from the pill, but ready to start the day.

I did all the normal chores, but also cleaned the bathroom and did three loads of laundry - yes three. Laundry used to be this terribly stressful job because of the hose it used and how unstable and possibly destructive it could be, but since I purchased a new hose, it's awesome and fast and safe, and I can get laundry done a lot faster and with less thought or worry. I biked to the grocery store for kitty litter, finished up my chores and read a lot.

I finished A Clash of Kings today, which was awesome. I've already started the next book A Storm of Swords, and it's already got me excited to continue.

For dinner today I made tomato and mozzarella stuffed chicken breast, served with garlic, basil, permesan mashed potatoes with steamed asparagus. The chicken was served with a white wine cream and basil sauce with diced tomato on top for garnish. It was nummers.

I'm tired. Tomorrow is another day off and I have less cleaning than today, so more time to relax!

309 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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