
Writing Photography Rambling

June 18, 2012 11:35PM

Survival; Adequacy

I made it through the weekend and I most certainly didn't think I would; you know, that strange, irrational thought that you somehow won't make it through a certain period of time... yeah, it's terrible, and stupid, but it floats over you. I made it through Father's day brunch, and it was actually a lot easier than most of us thought it would be, especially me. On top of that success, I also managed to complete all of my school goals, ahead of schedule even, which gave me a few hours of relaxation this evening, which was much needed.

I've been sick for a week now, since our amazing trip to Canada's Wonderland, and it's resulted in some strange things, most notably a big ol' nosebleed, something which I've never had in my life. It was Saturday after work and I just sat down at my computer and touched my nose for whatever reason, and I suddenly felt snot streaming down out of my nose and right into my lips, and I instantly shot up and ran to the bathroom, because well... no one wants snot in their mouth. In that split second between when it happened and when I got into the bathroom, I just figured a build up of mucus had decided to release and I just had to blow my nose, and while it was gross that it happened so fast, it wasn't anything that out of the ordinary. However, when I turned on the light in the bathroom, I discovered that it was blood streaming out of my nose, and it was blood filling my mouth and lips, and I immediately got.. um... concerned. Instinctively I spit the blood because it was in my mouth, and warm and salty and disgusting, so I spit, and just splattered the sink with blood, everywhere, and noticed that I had dropped blood on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. Having never had a nosebleed before, I didn't know what to do really... I know that people put toilet paper to their nose and tilt their head back, which I did right away, and within about one second, I decided I had no desire to tilt my head back, regardless of how beneficial it might be, as I didn't feel like swallowing a bunch of blood. I just held the toilet paper to my nose and stood normally.

I started to feel light headed and dizzy; I felt like I was going to vomit, and while embarrassing to admit, I was kind of freaking out, as the amount of blood was concerning, and the unfamiliarity with the situation caught me off guard. I called my Mom and told her what was happening, just so I had someone to talk to. She calmed me down, but it didn't stop me from feeling sick. My nose hurt, and I felt uneasy, but it was late already, and I needed to sleep. Once the blood stopped coming out of my nostril, I sat in bed and read my book until I was tired enough to go to sleep. Eventually Bekki came home and made sure I was okay, and I fell back asleep almost right away.

So that was my interesting experience with a random nose bleed.

For the last two days since it happened, my nose has been quite sore, and I've been a bit paranoid about getting another. My sinuses feel as though someone has punched me between the eyes... it's a sharper pain than normal, and leaves me feeling quite uncomfortable. I've been taking a lot of cold and sinus medication, and have been blowing a shitload mucus out of my nostrils, and so I'm assuming that the cause of the nosebleed was simply overuse of the nostril or something. I'm hoping I'll feel better in a few days. I still have sinus problems (ie. mucus generation) but other than that, I don't really have any other symptoms from this cold.

Father's day went really well, as I said. Al and I went in an hour early because of some swimmer's group who needed to eat breakfast an hour earlier than normal, so as I did Saturday, I went in for 6am, instead of 7am, and served breakfast an hour early. Al started on getting brunch ready as I did the normal breakfast stuff. The result of going in early two days in a row was a $20 cash tip that the swimmers left for myself and Maria the Cafe manager. I suppose that was worth it in the end, because I didn't expect anything from it, and cash is always a welcome thank you.

Kyle came in at 7am, and between the three of us we pretty much kicked the shit out of brunch. Al focused on most of the hot, getting stuff cooked off. Kyle focused on the salads and garnish, and I floated between replenishing breakfast, and doing things like cheese and fruit. The brunch had... new york steaks, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, beer and cheddar soup, variety of salads (made by me: spanish rice salad, pesto rotini salad, greek salad), cheese, breads, desserts... carved roast chickens, and other stuff. Along with the three of us, Chef eventually came in and Julie came in with coffee and timbits, and all of us really went all out. We were so on top of things that at one point Chef told Julie and I that we had to stop replenishing so fast because we were going faster than we were going to be getting people, and told us to take a break outside. It felt good to be so on top of stuff, and the entire day went really well. I also got to see Bekki a lot while at work because she was serving, so while the day was tiring, and long, it went well, and it felt good to get home.

Yesterday after work I had a long nap, but eventually got up and did the school work I had intended to do. Finishing up my ASP case study and doing the last few steps for getting it ready to present tomorrow.

Today, after sleeping in until 10am, which while in theory seems good, I woke up feeling sore, achey and unrested. I had a sore neck and borderline headache... sleeping never feels good, and I wish, wish, wish it did. I wish I woke up feeling rested and refreshed... wish I woke up not sore, but feeling great, but I just don't. Anyway... I got up, made coffee, and had some scrambled eggs and toast, and started work on my days school work goals.

First off I finished up the ASP I didn't finish the night before (Bekki and I got sidetracked with a Rock Band 2, Beatles: Rock Band play session... first time in years!), and that involved installing IIS and commenting code. I eventually finished and started work on my Direct X checkpoints, as I wanted to finish the two checkpoints I had set out to do today. The first being multiple shaders, where each object on the screen can have a specific compiled shader associated with it, thus allowing different objects to have different effects. I finished that and started work on the next checkpoint , multiple lights. This allows the scene to have more than one light... sounds boring but it was challenging. I made one light act like a sun, shining light from a specific direction, made a second spot light that moves from left to right over and over, and then another light thats like a lightbulb, that moves up and down over and over.

It felt good to finish all that school work, and I finished it around 4pm, way earlier than I had thought I would. I suddenly had the whole evening to do whatever I wanted, and that's what I did.

I walked to the grocery store to reward myself with a nice dinner. I decided I wanted to have a nice caesar salad and lasagna, so I picked up some lasagna, romaine, new fresh parmesan, chicken breasts that were on sale for almost half off, and a few other things. I got home and made dinner, watched Mythbusters and ate a wonderful dinner. I had some ice cream for dessert, and a coffee and Aero bar... yeah I ate a lot, so what? It was my reward for being awesome, so screw you!

After dinner I decided to work on a programming project (for fun), which is a redesigned and more feature rich version of uTunes, the utility I made last year that analyzes and displays statistics on your iTunes library (such as most played songs, artists, albums, etc). I'm developing the classes that will be the brains of the application right now, so there is just a lot of testing and designing and have yet to even figure out how it will come together as a usable application, but the potential is there. I've come up with a lot of cool things with it already, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

After that, I played some Civilization V, a game that can make time fly, and that it did. It was 10pm before I knew it, and it's a school night, so I knew I had to stop. I ran a bath, relaxed for a bit listening to the Morning Stream, and then moved to the living room to write and watch Jimmy Fallon and SNL (reruns).

I haven't been playing Diablo 3 lately, and don't really have the desire to like I did. While I hope I'm not done with the game, I think the fun and excitement of it being a new game has passed, and I'm not sure what kind of life it will have in the future.

Tomorrow is my case study presentation, and then after school I'm going to clean the house, and then relax, and have a nice dinner. I'll survive this week... just watch.

1670 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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