
Writing Photography Rambling

July 28, 2004 6:20AM

OMG I just ate Kiwi!! Somebody stick me!!

Final Fantasy 8 GuideFinal Fantasy 6 Character Guide Alright so about a year ago, when Linzie was first learning Final Fantasy 8, and I was playing through Final Fantasy 6, I wrote two articles/strategy guides for both games. The guide I wrote for Final Fantasy 8 kind of explains some of the strategy behind junctioning, and taking advantage of each specific characters natural strengths and abilities, by deciding which GF's to use, when to equip them, when to share them and so on... for those who haven't played the game, it's probably of very little interest to you, since it's not just general information, it's quite specific strategy. If you are thinking about playing the game, whether it be for the first time through or replaying it again, I suggest that you take a look at what I've written as I have played the game for countless hours (my last save was over 100 hours, with every character on Level 100, and all GF's maxed). So anyway, take a look at the guide to Final Fantasy 8 now. When I wrote the guide, I was totally 'in the zone' with the game, and really got to understand the little quirks and hidden features within it, and I'm still amazed that I actually wrote the guide, not someone else, because now that I haven't played the game in so long, I read over it and I'm like, "holy crap whoever wrote that knows what they're talking about!" heheh. On to Final Fantasy 6 though... this is a little less strategy writing... just a wee bit thrown in to give it purpose I suppose... it just quickly mentions each characters stat of choice, either physical attacks or magical attacks... based on which one the character is naturally good at, which espers they equip at level up will be important to figure out.. anyway, this article is much more of just a write up of each character and my own personal thoughts on them and just a few hints thrown in for good measure. Even people who haven't played the game could probably still take a look at this, at least to get a kind of idea of just how involving the world, the story and the characters become... you instantly fall in love with every aspect of every Final Fantasy.. it's amazing. So, here is the link to view the Final Fantasy 6 Article. go now! READ!!

So Monday night I spent the night hanging out with my girls (Teresa and Michelle rock) and that was fun. We watched Disc 3 of Season 3 of Family Guy... sweet jesus I love that show... Michelle is awesome to talk to when I get the chance, and Teresa is just... well, Teresa and we just have this special connection, which we've always had, and we can talk about everything easily... I loves hanging out with my girls... Michelle was the first to fall asleep, and then Teresa was getting pretty tired so I just decided to go home and that is exactly what I did. Teresa walked me half way, so I wouldn't raped (aww, sweet Teresa) and I walked the rest of the way by my lonesome, but it went really quickly so I didn't care.. When I arrived home, I woke Emily up by entering the room and just yelled Emily over and over until she was up (it was 4 in the morning mind you). She was a little pissed off that I woke her but it passes pretty quickly I don't think I could've spent that night alone.. I ended up being very in need of company.. probably one of the bigger reasons why I came home. Oh well, I got what I wanted though, so it's all good of course.

Today was pretty uneventful.. I mean... I woke up pretty late.. I honestly don't really have much of a memory of anything that happened today... that's horribly sad. I know I didn't really play any games... Emily and I watched a couple movies though. Just.. Teenage Mutant fuckin Ninja Turtles, ON DVD (I've had it for a while and I've watched it on DVD before, but I think this is the first time I ever mentioned it to you people on my site.. what the hell was I thinking, that's huge fucking news. My sister got it for me for free from Pizza Hut) and Die Hard!!! God damn, I love any movie Bruce Willis is in... Die Hard is such a fun movie, you don't have to think that much, but they throw in enough intelligence that there are bits that you can catch if you actually do think, and there are a lot of awesome on liners, and cool deaths and awesome action, and fucking Carl is in from Family Matters and she fucking shoots some asshole to death! As soon as he did it, I said, "that's what he should've done to Eurkle." haha, oh GOD I'm so fucking hilarious. Die Hard is definitley one of my favorite action movies, and the same guy who did the special effects, also did the special effects on none of than Predator, another one of the coolest movies ever! Okay, so maybe I'm getting a little carried away now... I'll stop.

So I didn't really game much today, as I mentioned... I guess I just wasn't in the mood.. to be honest, most of the day involved just laying around and being really lazy.. Emily created her new Face The Jury account, because she deleted her old one [check new one], and I visited my profile a few more times than normal today [check out mine]... dunno why. Also, I've come to the conclusion that I hate Hi5. It's just a ripoff of FTJ, but it runs sooo slow, as no ratings or 'favorites' and it's just this huuuuge advertising scheme thought up by a bunch of fuckers, and the scary thing is so many people fall for it. Bah.. [check my Hi5 Profile]. hehe.. I suppose the whole idea behind both mentioned sites can be viewed as shallow... but from my experiences, it's just a great way to meet some really awesome people that you would never ever get any where near the same chance to meet, or talk or whatever. I've met some GREAT people through these so called 'shallow' websites. Emily, JJ, Nathalie, Maria, Shiloh... the list goes on.. it's just a great way to make some friends, and it's fun to see what others look like, and to see how other people like your style or whatever... it's all good fun and sometimes it can be an ego boost.. if say.. 144 people had you in their favorites. So.. if you haven't signed up for Face The Jury yet, because you think it's stupid... do it anyway, because there is always a chance you will meet the coolest people ever, and just sitting in your room without any accesss to the outside world will NEVER introduce you to those people!

this is emily and myself posing for the camera

Tonight for supper I made my new and improved Rice, Veggies and Whitesauce (Name Pending) and it was deeeelicous. I fucked up the white sauce a little because I had way less milk than I thought I did, and then I added more flour to make the sauce thicker because it was all runny, but I think I ended up putting in too much flour because it got clumpy... *tear* but eventually I got it pretty much perfectlty smooth and Emily and I proceeded to snarf down the food... it was yummy. I'm actually trying to finalize the recipe... I just kinda made it up on the spot a few weeks ago, and I still don't know exactly how many cups of veggies, corn or onions I should put in, how much rice I should make, or if I should make a small amount of whites sauce (something Emily suggests)... so it was fun coming up with a concrete recipe. I think I've got the veggies and corn done, I just have to figure out how much white sauce to cook... maybe 1/2? or maybe even 3/4.. I kinda like it runny and smothered in white sauce. haha, if you have a sick mind that might sound bad... I have a sick mind... what can I say. The meal turned out excellent though, with the help of a bit of pepper and salt, as I was scared it would taste like flour (because I had added so much more) but it actually tasted really good, and if anyway, the sauce was too thick... I can't wait for the next time I make it because I'm gonna try different things and try to make less white sauce.

I'm so fucking tired... jesus christ, I thought I could make it through this entry, but seriously, I'm having a super dooper hard time keeping my eyes open and thinking straight.. I took two sleeping pills well over and hour ago, which would be why I'm almost passing out on this damn keyboard.... I can't wait until I go back to my dream world... I don't know how much I've written publicly about my dreams/nightmares, but .. here's the deal. Each and every night I have nightmares.. always involving abandonment, betrayel, chas, failin... BUT there are two even bigger consistencies in each and every single dream/nightmare I ever have.. it's always, always night time... always dark out.. and it's always raining outside as well.. sometimes not as hard, someitmes hard... but it's always dark and raining... the more sleeping pills I'm on, the less.. intense.. the dreams are. Intense isn't the write word but I can't think of anything to describe what it is that these things do to me... I've awaken frozen in fear a few weeks ago... if I don't take my happy pill, or numb my well over active mind, the dreams get really really real feeling and scary... like last night. Anyway, I look forward to taking my pulls and then visiting that world, beause with each passing night, I make more of a name for myself in the world.. I control it, and even though it's not nice there, for some indescribable reason, I honestly feel like I belong there, and I'm beginning to feel okay with entering that world every night. I want to pass out and see what happens next, and survive through the night. Well I don't want to (honestly) but I really think I should wrap this up because I'm seriously having a really, really hard time typing and keeping my mind though... everything is such a blur right now and I can't concentrate. blah.. I'll end the entry with a few pictures I took the other day... Dylan put them in his journal, and I never really liked the pictures I took that day, but since he did, it made me want to put them up... so thank Dylan for forcing to subject you to my hideousness. *shudder* Good night my fans... I might just open this up and edit it a bit... add some content to a few of the paragraphs.. there were still a few things I wanted to talk about but now it's too late... blah.. there is still alot of stuff I know I can add to this, so I might just open this and edit it rather than do a whole new entry.. hehe, I'm so tricky. anyway.. sweet dreams you people!


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