
Writing Photography Rambling

July 28, 2011 10:10PM

Mediocrity At It's Best

Today was another mediocre day at best, with very little of note happening, and it not being very enjoyable. I don't think this is going to be a very long entry, as there really isn't much to write about.

I woke up and had a nice breakfast again today, as it always seems like a good idea on my days off. I did chores around the house, just the normal things for cleaning up for the day, like doing the dishes and cleaning the kitty litter.

The rest of the day was just spent researching how much it would cost to build a gaming PC, which is.. roughly $1300 for everything except a monitor, which isn't actually that bad, but obviously, I shouldn't spend the money if i don't have to, so.. I probably won't for now. It's kind of disappointing to get excited about it and then decide not to, but... ah well, I'll forget about it soon enough.

For dinner I had garlic bread and spaghetti, and after dinner I played a bit of Defense Grid, La Pucelle and Final Fantasy 4. Afterward, I had a bath, played a tiny bit of Torchlight, and then sat down and put on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Bluray, cause they were talking about the movies on the Geekbox, so it made me want to watch them, and I've owned the movies for six months and have only watched the one (even though I've seen them all before).

Tomorrow I go back to work after what feels like a long ass time off, and I'm sure it'll suck. I'll just try to get through the day and go from there.

280 words

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