
Writing Photography Rambling

December 06, 2012 8:39PM


I haven't been doing well recently, and it seems like the only time I write is when I feel this way, or at least it seems all my entries start with the same sentence. How many times do I have to complain about the same thing before it stops holding any meaning?

I've felt increasingly anxious and unable to deal with even minor issues, losing control of my mind, temper, emotions and whatever. I've been feeling as though I've been having a non-stop panic attack for the last couple days, and it kinda sucks.

I worked for eleven hours today, came home on th bus and was sleepy. I made spaghetti for dinner, played Disgaea 4 for one hour, had a bath, and now I'm watching Jimmy for an hour and then going to sleep.

I work tomorrow at 6am and then I'm off on Saturday. I'm a little worried about having a day off, as time at home is generally when I get worse, or just... fall apart, so I am worried. Scared even.

174 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I worked at Windermere

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