
Writing Photography Rambling

April 15, 2014 10:25PM

It's Time

The time has come where I believe I should close this site down.

Attempting to come up with work to show potential employers eventually leads back to this URL, and this writing is not the type of stuff I'd like to showcase to them, and thus I think something needs to change in order to protect my privacy and how I appear to people that matter.

Yes, the things I write here are truthful, and very personal, but as I've grown, life has changed, I have new responsibilities, goals, and values, and while I never want to give up writing, putting it in a purely public forum may not be the optimal choice.

I would like to continue writing, and most likely will continue to do so even using this very website, but I believe what I'll be doing is making it so that the website is private. I would be able to allow anyone with a registered account to view the stuff, but besides my wife, I don't particularly think anyone views anything here, nor do I really care, so in some ways, today is the end of Excessive Rambling.

I plan on replacing this page, at this URL, with a type of... portfolio, or... brand page. I'd like to identify myself as Excessive Software, and I'd like to start planning some projects that I can use to show potential employers what I'm capable of. I feel a little overwhelmed right now with the entire concept and I feel embarrassed because even the projects I've put a lot of time, effort and caring into are embarrassing to show to professional programmers because it was so amateurish and make-it-up-as-I-go.

I love writing, and I love what this website has meant to me over the last twelve years. This isn't the end, but it is the start of a new chapter. Writing will always be a part of my life, and I'd like to keep it all together in one database so that years from now it's all available and related. Time will tell what happens with this place, but I really need to start planning.

355 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

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