
Writing Photography Rambling

February 15, 2016 8:57PM

The Good Dinosaur

Although a bit more restless than I like, today turned out to be a fairly relaxing day. Sure, I couldn't sit still and my knee kept shaking and shaking, but I played a lot of Diablo 3, watched a lot of TV, made a bunch of Banana Chocolate Chip muffins, and generally did nothing stressful.

I actually managed to hook up my Wii U and play a video game (non-pc) for a little while. My goal was to play for an hour or so and I think I got about that much time in. I decided to play Lego Star Wars for the Wii, and I don't really know why. I guess it was my recently renewed interest in Star Wars, and someone mentioning the franchise, so I thought I'd give it a shot. The game is a bit shallow, and simple, but it was pretty fun. It wasn't as engaging as I was hoping, and I worry that my love of video games has been destroyed, but I'm not ready to believe that. I think I just need to find the right game and I'll be absorbed into it, I'm just not sure what that is at this point.

We're watching The Good Dinosaur right now, which is a Pixar movie about a ... Dinosaur. The main little boy Dinosaur gets hurt a lot. I'm only a little ways in so I can't really say if I like it or not, but it's good so far.

Tomorrow is back to work after a long weekend, which is always a bit more difficult than your normal weekend. I'm not too worried though, lately work hasn't been too stressful, so it's fine to have to go back. Plus it's a shorter week, so it's always a nice treat to only have to work four days.

Also tomorrow, is our first ultrasound. Bekki and I are going to see pictures and sounds of our baby for the first time! It's pretty exciting, in that it will be the first evidnce that something real is happening. It's hard to describe, and I don't want to put too much pressure on myself for it to be some crazy special thing. Sometimes it's hard to externalize feelings about this, especially somewhere public. I may be excited right away, or maybe I need time to process the whole thing and I don't need anyone judging me based on what I'm feeling. I'm a bit nervous, and a bit excited.

I really need to gather my thoughts and write something significant about it, like a 'my thought so far' kind of thing, even just to have it for historical record.

Maybe I'll do that sometime.

470 words

  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Bekki is Pregnant

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